Suddenly, her phone alarm went off and she groaned as she blindly reached for it. "What time is it?" She whispered into the pillow.

I snoozed her phone for her before reading out the time, "Seven on the dot. Time for your study sesh." She huffed before lowly rising up with a groan. I stayed on her bed with my arm behind my head as she walked to her closet and started to pull out some clothes. "Hey uh.. question." She looked over at me silently and nodded. "So I have this thing like..." my sentence trailed off when she pulled her shirt over her head to expose her toned, golden tan stomach.

"What?" She mumbled obliviously, pulling a T-shirt over her head before looking up at me. "Did you freeze?"

"Um.." I cleared my throat and shook my head. "No, I wanted to say that-"

She frowned when her phone rang and she quickly grabbed it. "Sorry," She whispered and put it to her ear. "Hey Tom... yeah I'm on my way now. Seriously? Okay, I'll be there soon." She huffed and hung up, sliding the phone into her back pocket. "Apparently the room we're using has been moved up to seven ten instead of seven thirty... I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

I shook my head, my hand waving. "It can wait. You should hurry and catch your session." She pouted but I forced a smile. "I'm serious, it's not that important. Go."

"Okay," she quickly came to the bed and leaned down, her lips pressing to mine before she pulled on her backpack. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yup, lunch date." She smiled happily and waved before walking out while I huffed in annoyance, dropping back on the bed as I groaned out, "This is gonna bite me in the ass."


"You look good

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"You look good... who dressed you?" I smacked my lips and pushed Joseph away from me.

"Shut up bitch." I looked down at myself and smirked. "I did this on my own, talk to me nice."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a water bottle while I grabbed another beer. "Yeah whatever. So some of my boys and I are planning on going to the beach this weekend before the weather turns to shit when October hits. You down?"

"This weekend? The twenty third?" He nodded. "That's a day after my birthday."

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed, his hands shooting up. "Yes, it's perfect! We'll turn it into a birthday bash, holy fuck, I'm about to have it so lit for you best friend." I chuckled and downed the rest of my beer before tossing it into the glass bin. Though they were a bunch of frat boys, they did care about the environment.

"If you say so." I turned my gaze to the dance floor and a certain brunette caught my eye. Her hips were swirling to the beat that thumped off of the walls and vibrated my feet.

What I admired about Vanessa was that she always carried a sense of freedom with her. I never had that. I was always restricted to my classwork or making sure Vivian wasn't drinking herself to death. I never knew what it felt like to not care for a moment and just be... free.

Wonderwall [Vanessa/you]  [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now