"Are you sure?" Darcy asked even though Clint knew she already knew the answer.

"Its Echo," Clint said, confirming Darcy's suspicions as he looked at the cameras. "Two jets circling and it looks like a helicopter just dumped a handful of agents onto the roof...make that two helicopters."

"Where the hell did they come from all of a sudden!" Darcy yelled as she steeled herself for a fight. Bobbi came out of the room and started pulling her hair into a ponytail, clearly ready for a fight as well.

"Suit up kid," Clint said to the plain clothed Darcy, "One of the shields was damaged and won't go back down. They are going to find it sooner or later and we are all that's left to defend that baby. I bet my life on that's why they are here." Darcy did as she was told as Bobbi grabbed her bo staff and attached it to their holster now at her back.

Dove knew that Clint would need Darcy with him to fix the shield, but he made a show of pulling his gun from his holster and moving towards the lab door with Darcy right behind him, ready for a fight. Clint hesitated for a second before calling Dove back.

"Wait, Dove, I need you to stay here with Bobbi. If all else fails, you two are the last line of defense for that kid. Bobbi, I need you to get Tony back here. Loki can make it faster as long as that shield is damaged so the sooner you get the word out the better."

Dove watched them leave as he pulled the communications wire from the computer. Things were still going as planned, but he didn't expect to see Bobbi feeling as good as she did.

"I can't get this stupid thing to work!" she yelled in frustration. "Dove, go grab Darcy's phone from the baby's room." Dove started to do as he was told and when he had barely made it five steps, Bobbi rose from the computer.

"Wait..." she said as she hesitated. He watched as she glanced from Dove to Juliette's room, and back. "...I'll get it."

Shit, he thought. Natasha must have done something to cast doubt into Bobbi's mind. This wasn't supposed to happen. Or maybe Bobbi was just being paranoid? Either way, he couldn't take the chance.

"What's wrong?" he asked as she skirted passed him and towards the room.

"Nothing. I just need to check on her," she said nervously, though she wasn't sure why.

When Bobbi got into the room, she saw that Juliette was still sleeping soundly so she went to grab the phone from the bed. As soon as she went to turn around though, she came face to face with Dove and feelings of hate, anger, and distrust washed over her like a raging river. She knew this was coming from Natasha so in that split second, she tried something new. She pulled at those feelings and a voice popped into her mind. "You're right. We are too close to have this blow up in our faces. I want you to take out Agent Morse...and bring me the kid. Its time to move on with the plan."

"Yes sir."

She knew the first voice had to be Yuri, but that second voice... "Yes sir." It was Dove.

"No," she whispered and saw a change go over Dove. His hand went for his gun, so Bobbi snaked to the left, barely missing the bullet meant for her. In that same motion, she pulled her bo staff from their holsters and used it to skillfully knock the gun out of his hands. With his other hand, he managed to grip one of the halves and pull her towards him and wrenched it out of her grasp, hitting her across the face with it. She absorbed the blow and fell to the ground, managing to sweep his legs from under him and spit out a wad of blood before jumping onto his fallen form. He was much larger than her and had no trouble throwing her off and rising, giving her a swift kick to her ribs before going for the baby. Before he was able to even able to take a step, Bobbi managed to grab her weapon from the floor and rammed it onto his ankle. He fell over onto the bed and Bobbi was finally able to draw in a long breath after having it knocked from her. She rose and then planted herself in front of the baby just as Dove turned on her. She desperately wanted to pick up the baby and run, but by picking her up it would put her in harm's way. Juliette was awake and crying now and Bobbi saw the desperation in Dove's eyes.

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