RR49 Out of Time

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By the time Thea got off the phone with Luka, she was only 20 minutes behind Black Widows team. With her driving though, it was more like 10 as she rushed to catch up with them. The tracker she had placed in the coat of the brunette said that they had just stopped at a hotel, she presumed it would be their safehouse for now. When she circled the building, she was relieved to see them just now exiting their car. They were probably talking things over before going in to check out their room. She parked her car on the street, opposite the front of the building where it was out of the way and harder to see. Watching her tracker from her phone, she saw it go up to the fourth floor and then move a few meters down a hall. The room was on the far end, away from prying eyes and facing away from the streets, getting up there unseen would be easy.

She ran to the side of the building and couldn't believe her luck, it was a balcony floor. The lattice going up adjacent to it provided the perfect footholds to get anywhere she wanted. Quickly climbing, she peeked over the balcony to see a large glass door covered by a curtain on the inside. It was only a matter of seconds before the team got smart and investigated their new safe haven, so she covered the small space and planted a listening device before climbing up one more floor to a presumably vacant balcony and inserted her earpiece.

Not three seconds after she made it safely to the fifth-floor balcony, she heard the curtains open and the door slide open.

"I don't like this," she heard a voice say, it sounded like Romanoff. She wasn't alone, but she wasn't sure who the other person was yet. "Anyone could hide out here, and we can't see anyone coming with this view."

"True, but they also can't see us and its not like we are going to be out here." It didn't sound like the brunette she had encountered in the alley earlier, it had to be the blonde that exited the car with them and the other black guy. She needed to figure out how they fit into this whole equation.

Once Thea heard them close the door and pull the curtains tight, she swung down from her perch and found a nice spot where she could see through the end of the heavy curtain. It would be hard to spot her unless they were really looking, so she relaxed and tried to figure out which one of them had the flash drive.

After Natasha, Bobbi, Darcy, and Dove left the car, they quickly found their rooms and broke up to get changed. Dove had his own room while the girls all shared theirs.

"This is so much better than the old place," Darcy said as she surveyed the room while Natasha and Bobbi checked out the balcony. Once they came back in, they found Darcy in the bathroom changing out of her grimy clothes. She had complained the whole ride there how gross she felt from laying on the nasty alley ground.

Natasha took off her jacket and then shirt to get a better look at her chest. Her undershirt only hid so much as a large purple bruise was starting to form.

"Damn," Bobbi said as she walked over to see, "that bitch hit you hard."

Natasha rolled her eyes before slipping her shirt back on. "I still think you have me beat as far as injuries go," she teased back.

From listening in on the balcony, Thea catalogued that the blonde was injured as well. She could use that to her advantage if she needed to later on. When the brunette exited the bathroom, she noticed how she threw her clothes in a pile next to the couch. Trained agents didn't do that, they kept their belongings together incase they needed a quick getaway. Speaking of getaways, she pulled a small charge out of her pocket that she grabbed from her car and stuck it on the door, just in case something went wrong and she needed a distraction, or a way in.

"I feel so much better after getting out of those clothes," the brunette said.

"Darcy, getting dirty is part of the job you know," the blonde said mockingly.

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