i'm ganna catch you!

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Miles threw his ball back and forth between his hands as he called his friends over to come and play. They quickly jogged over at the sight of the ball and Miles couldn't help but smirk as he watched his friends run towards him, he was the biggest five year old out of all his them.

"Wanna play?" He asked, putting the new ball his father had bought him under his foot and turned towards his friends who cheered. He quickly ran off, turning around so that he could pass the ball to one of them.

He was really bad at whatever this game was and he didn't want his friends to think he had favorites so he just kicked the ball in a random direction and ran off so he could find a spot. His friend, Alex had caught the ball and was scanning the crowd of boys as he decided who to pass too.

"Me! Me!" Miles called over the crowd as others cheered around him around him as well. Alex didn't chose him but Miles didn't get time to be upset about it as Carter was calling out to him. He turned in the direction of her pretty voice, to find her jogging towards him, her favorite pink adidas sneakers getting dirty as they moved through the wet grass. Her hair was lose, framing her face and her fringe was flying around her as she ran towards him and he smiled.

His whole day brightening as Carter neared him and threw her arms around him, "I was looking for you." She whispered, pouting as she stared up at him. He smiled, "I'm playing ball."

"I wanna play too!" She cheered, jumping on the balls of her feet excitedly and Miles didn't have it in his heart to refuse. "Kay, I'll get the ball for you."

Miles turned towards the boys and took a hold of Carter's hand, moving to lead her towards the ball when one of the boys turned towards them and frowned, "Carter can't play! She's a girl!"

Carter frowned, letting go of Miles hand to place her small hands on her hips, "So? I can play better then you!"

The boy's frown deepened, "I'm not playing if she's playing."

Miles scowled, not liking that his friend was being rude to his Carter. "Fine, don't play! I don't care! Carter's playing!"

The boy seemed shocked that he was kicked out of the game and huffed, turning away from Miles and towards his friends, "Let's go. This is boring."

The other boys shrugged, "I like Carter, she can play. And ball in fun!" Alex said as he ran over to Carter, who smiled up at him. Miles sent Alex a small glare, slightly tugging Carter away from Alex.

The boy huffed, "Fine! Play with her!" He stormed off to complain to the teacher who just picked him up, telling him she would play with him. Miles smirked when the boy whined as the teacher lead him over towards the girls who was busy with crafts.

Carter turned to Miles and grinned widely, "Yay! Let's play."

Smirking, she shoved Miles away and ran after the ball. Giggling when he chased after her, yelling, "I'm ganna catch you!"

<< o >>

Carter jumped excitedly in her seat as she waited for Nolan to finally come fetch her. She loved school but she missed her father way to much when she wasn't with him. Miles sat next to her, his head leaned back as he started to doze off. Chasing Carter had used up all his energy and he couldn't wait for Maggie to fetch him so he could take a proper nap.

The teacher, Ms. Peterson stood next to them as she looked out of the school. Calling out names when a parent would arrive and Carter was starting to lose patience. Nolan was taking way to long to arrive. Miles grumbled next to her, "Carter, stop moving." He whined out, turning to look over at her.

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