that girl turned your whole life upside down!

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C H A P T E R  F O R T Y - O N E

By now, everyone knew that Nolan Pierce had a daughter and from the whispers that echoed around Nolan, no one was making it appear as if they didn't know. One of the female model kept glancing towards him as one of the makeup artist added highlight to his collarbones.

Rolling his eyes, Nolan cast his gaze down and turned his body in the direction the makeup artist requested for him to turn.

"So it's true?" He heard a voice and his back tensed for a second before he relaxed. Eyes falling onto the makeup artist that was working on the male model next to him.

Liam, the male model chuckled, "You've got guts." He whispered towards the artist before turning towards Nolan. "Cute kid, looks like you."

Nolan nodded, mumbling a small thanks before waiting for Liam to continue whatever he was going to say, "How you get a kid? Never seen you with the same girl for a day."

Nolan chuckled, "Meet her mother a few years back and didn't see her again. Apparently she was pregnant." Nolan shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal before snorting when Liam gulped. "Worried you've got kids out there?"

Liam have a small smile before running a hand through his hair, ignoring the hairstylist when she glared towards him. "I've been very careful when it come to that shit but I got a son. I'm not scared to have another kid."

It had been on his mind the entire day until he got home, what if he had other kids out there? The idea didn't scare him nor did it thrill him either. Did he want more kids?

The thought didn't take long to answer. Coming home and having Carter running up to him, in a pair of fresh pj's and a wide smile. Mouth wide with stories to tell him had him content. He didn't need anymore kids because Carter was enough.

Carter was more then enough.

<< o >>

"An interview?" Nolan mumbled, scanning through a script he had been emailed a few days ago for a romcom as his mother talked about a talkshow host that wanted him on her show.

"Yes, an interview! Because of those pictures from the beach and that video, everyone is going crazy. I don't know why I didn't think of letting people know about Carter sooner."

Glancing up, Nolan growled. "My daughter is not a fucking publicity stunt you can use to get me more fans."

Alice glared towards his son, "This interview is the perfect opportunity to show off Carter."

Rolling his eyes, Nolan threw the script onto the coffee table, "I'm not showing my fucking daughter off on fucking television. I'll do it, they can ask me any fucking questions they want but I'm talking about Carter if she doesn't want me to talk about her."

Alice scoffed, "She's four, how is she supposed to know what she wants?"

Nolan growled, standing up from his seat before crossing his arms. Alice jumped back at the sudden position he placed himself in and scanned his tense figure, "What's wrong? I didn't say anything wrong. I just think showing off the girl—"

Nolan left a breathy laugh, finger coming up to point warningly at his mother, "My daughter's name is Carter and she will be referred to as Carter. Not 'the girl'. I wasn't going to have this conversation with you but if you don't fix yourself, then you can leave."

Alice scoffed, "That girl turned your whole life upside down! You could have risked—"

"Mom!" Nolan snapped, not even guilty when his mother flinched. "I've cut you out of my life once and I can definitely do it again. You are not the same woman who raised me so don't expect me to feel sympathetic. Carter is my daughter and is a huge part of my, she is my life. My world revolves around her so if she isn't comfortable with you, then you need to leave because I don't like when she's upset. You have been a total bitch...sorry for calling you that but it's fucking true. She's your fucking grandchild, your first one and I'm your son. Your first son and I expected you to be happy for me. I'm happy, I'm so fucking happy because of Carter while you act as if she's a burden, a nuisance and she most definitely is not. You need to check your priorities because your family has been thrown off that list the minute you started getting greedy. So I ask you, to think about my daughter good and hard and get back to me tomorrow, ok?" Nolan smiled sweetly before grabbing his script from his coffee table and walking further into his house in search for Carter.

He had to leave for his audition soon and wanted to say goodbye. Hearing splashing and loud giggling, Nolan smirked. Softly pushing open the bathroom door before chuckling. Zach sat at the small bench Nolan used to wash Carter sometimes over the bathtub. His wet hand over his eyes as Carter rubbed herself full of soap before picking up the face cloth Zach held in his hand and wash off the soap.

Once she was done, Carter grinned, "Finished!"

Zach smirked, "You sure?"

Carter nodded, giggled as Zach peered at her through his fingers before removing his hand and lifting a bucket from the water to rinse Carter off. "You're a big now, huh? Washing yourself without any help?" Zach asked, knowing that sometime Carter would need assistance in properly washing herself.

Carter nodded, "Abbie show me how." Carter mumbled, closing her eyes when Zach poured the water over her face before wiping out her eyes with his hands. Smiling when she peered up at him with wet lashes. "All done?"

Zach nodded, almost jumping off of his small chair when he hears Nolan step forward with Carter's favorite towel. Standing up in the tub, Carter held up her hands for Nolan to take her. A wide smile on his face.

Zach sent the little girl a little glare when she stuck her tongue out at him from behind Nolan's back. Zach was always surprised that her smile could widen even more then it had been. Nolan brought it out of her, smiles widened, eyes brightened and cheeks would always be a little pinker.

"Having fun with Zach, baby?" Nolan whispered as he walked Carter towards his bedroom. Sitting her on the bed, Nolan pulled out a cute little outfit for her. Before drying her off, smirking when she would giggle widely when he would tickle her as he applied lotion to her body.

He really didn't want to leave for work, especially when she was smiling up at him so widely and giggling every two seconds. He knew it would kill him when he said he had to go and her smile would drop.

Once Carter was dressed, Nolan smiled down at her. Tying her wet hair into a bun, Nolan allowed a few hairs to lay around her face so when it dried, it would be cute little curls. Lifting her onto her feet, Nolan's heart melt at her little feet in those cute pink adidas sneakers she loved so much.

"You like your demon shirt, princess?" Nolan asked, grinning down at Carter who grinned up at him as she patted down the material of her skirt before pointing at her t-shirt with the glitter heart across it. "I love it, Daddy! So, so much!"

Nolan smiled, "That's good, baby because you're going with me to work today."

Carter's eyes widened and she couldn't help the little squeal of joy that escaped her mouth as she threw her arms around her father.

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