she's my princess

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C H A P T E R  F I F T Y - N I N E

Noah didn't know how he ended up here, stuck in a room alone with James who hadn't stopped looking at him as if he was some whimpering animal. It hurt, to know that James didn't feel the same way even though he'd known all along that James wouldn't return his feelings. Sighing, he finally turned to James whose gaze hadn't stopped burning into the side of his face.

"You don't feel the same." He stared stupidly, watching from the corner of his eye when he turned away as James gasped at the him. Shocked.

"I just don't understand. I didn't know—"

Noah cut him off, shrugging, "No one knew."


Noah sighed, "It had always been fun to chase after Abbie's ex, it was just this sick game I played with myself and then you became her ex and it stopped being a game. I knew you, you were one of my closet friends and then you were there, looking so heartbroken by what Abbie had done and my heart just leapt out of my chest. I wanted to help you, heal you. I wanted to take your pain away because seeing you so hurt killed me."

James didn't know what to say, staring up at Noah with a confused expression. His head was all over the place. Standing up from his seat he walked over to Noah, standing next to him. "I don't know what to say."

Noah shrugged, "You don't have to say anything. I know you don't feel the same way."

James nodded, watching Noah from the corner of his eye. He'd gotten closer to Noah when first meeting him and he selfishly admits that at first, it was mainly to get closer to Abbie. But then he found out how cool Noah was, how he was stupidly funny and extremely immature at times.

And when Abbie had hurt him, Noah was there for him. Telling him about Abbie and let him vent when he needed it.

Noah was important to him. Noah was his best friend. The one who was there when he needed a shoulder to cry on and he'd never forget that. Sighing, he turned towards Noah and fisted his shirt.

Noah flinched, turning to James confused, "What are you do—"

"Shut up." And then his lips were against his and James groaned, trying to feel something. Anything.

The kiss left him breathless, wanting more but he's heart didn't feel much but it did race and it didn't bother him. Because he knew that his heart could come to love the man in front of him. He wasn't scared to love a man, he'd always found men attractive yet he always leaned towards woman.

James leans away, looking straight at Noah who was looking up at him with an unreadable expression, "I can't guarantee anything and I can't promise that this will work but I'll try. For you."

And slowly, Noah sighed, because it was more then nothing.

<< o >>

"Oh, shit."

Abbie froze as the words left her boyfriend's mouth and stared up at him wide eyed before pushing him away. Tears springing to her eyes before she could stop them.

Realizing what he had said, Porter cursed again and pulled Abbie into his arms again. Whispering into her ear for her to wait, for him to grasp everything.

"When did you find out?"

Abbie shrugged, "A few days ago. I just had a feeling I was."

Porter nodded, "It's too early to have a kid and I'm not ready." He said honestly, turning Abbie to face him when he felt her tense up in his embrace. "But...I love you with all my heart and I'll always be there for you. No matter how scared or unprepared I am."

Abbie looked up at Porter, eyes tearing as she smiled, "Really?"

Porter nodded, "Yes, this is my baby. Our baby and I'll never leave you or him just because I'm not ready." Abbie couldn't help the tears that left her as Porter wrapped her up into his arms, "God wouldn't have given us this gift if he thought we weren't capable of taking care of it."

Abbie smiled wider, softly sobbing into Porter ear as he chuckled, "I'm going to be a dad." He sang and leant back to kiss Abbie's forehead.

"I know I said I'd be there for you, but I'm probably going to be killed when Nolan finds out. So...tell my kid I'm sorry for not being there."

Abbie snorted, swatting Porter's arm as wiped at her tears, "I won't let him hurt you."

Porter rolled his eyes, his hands slowly reaching down to lay over Abbie's stomach and he smiled.

<< o >>

Nolan sighed softly as he glanced over his shoulder to look towards Carter who hadn't stopped shaking in her car seat. Bouncing up and down as she tried to hold in a scream.

"You excited, baby?" He asked her, wincing with a smile when Carter screamed at the top of her lungs. Cheering over and over, "School! School!"

Nolan smiled sadly, trying not to show Carter that he was slightly upset that she was going to school. She was growing up way to fast and Nolan didn't think he was ready to give her up just yet.

Stepping out of the car, he made his way over towards Carter and unbuckled her from her car seat. Lifting her into his hip while he reached for her small pink nike bag. He cringed slightly at the bright yellow sponge on the back of the bag. Apparently Carter had convinced Zack to paint her bag spongebob themed.

Throwing the small bag over his shoulder, he made his way over towards the school.

Carter was getting more and more excited as they neared the colourful school where he was sure Miles was waiting for her and sure enough, there he was. Sitting on one of the small blue chairs set out for the kids with Maggie gushing over how cute he looked as she took pictures.

Hearing Carter's squeals, Miles jumped up from his seat and ran over to Nolan. Making grabby hands towards Carter as he waited for him to let her down.  Nolan rolled his eyes, setting Carter down into her feet while softly shoving Miles out of his way with smirk.

Placing Carter's bag on her back, he smiled, "I'm going to miss you when you're at school." He told her honestly and his heart warmed when she reached forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "Me too, daddy but it's only for few hours."

Nolan nodded, "A few hours too much."

"Come on, Daddy! Don't be sad, I want to met my teacher!"

Nolan nodded, standing up and turning to Maggie who was busy taking pictures of the two. "Oh! You're emotional! Now I'm emotional!" Maggie cried out as she pulled Nolan into her arms and then wrapped Landon into the hug too.

"Daddy!" Carter called and Nolan turned to find her standing with Miles. Their hands intertwined as they made their way over to their teacher who was busy talking to some of the other children and parents.

Nolan made his way over towards her, ignoring the gawking parents as he looked down at the small woman in front of him who sent him a friendly smile and held her hand out, "Hi! I'm Ms. Peterson. I'll be your kids teacher for his or her first year of school."

Nolan nodded, "Well, I'm Nolan—"

"I know." The woman smiled, and turned to look down at Carter who was grinning widely up at the pretty woman, "And whose this pretty girl?"

Nolan smirked, laying his hand over Carter's small head, "She's my princess."

<< o >>

Just a small filler chapter and sadly, will be the last chapter of 'she's my princess.'

But there will be a epilogue and there might be a few bonus chapters (still planning possible plots for those)

If you have an ideas for bonus chapters...please let me know and I might make it happen ;)

thanks sm to my readers💛 I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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