that's cause you have no cookie

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E

It's been two weeks since Carter had been discharged and two weeks and five minutes since Alice had stormed into Nolan's house.

She stood in front of Nolan's flat screen tv, a remote in her hand as she lectured on and on about a picture that was being discussed.

"You've heard it, people! Nolan Pierce had been MIA for two weeks and we've all been curious to what he's been up too." One talk show host said before turning to her co-host who smiled too brightly.

"During that two weeks, there had been rumors that he was in the hospital."

Another co-host chuckled, shaking his head before running his hands through his dyed pink hair, "But that's not true! Apparently, he exited the hospital after two weeks with a mysterious child. And from this picture, we can see that's it's a girl. Who is she?! We need to know."

Nolan rolled his eyes, "These people have no life's."

Alice growled, "These people are who your fans watch! What do you think they're going to think when they see you have a child!"

Nolan rolled his eyes, "What does it matter? Many celebrities have children. Landon's worshipped and he's married and has a kid."

"But you're not Landon Wade, you're Nolan Pierce! Landon Wade is not the most sort after model and he definitely is not actor of the year!"

Nolan rolled his eyes, "Well, what the hell do you expect me to do?" Nolan drawled out sarcastically.

Alice rolled her eyes, "We're going to make up a story! To make you look amazing—" Alice gasped, "I know, you can tell everybody you adopted—"

"For fuck sake, mother! I don't care what people think, Carter is my daughter. And I'm not going to tell people otherwise." Nolan stood up, "And if you can't get that into your head, don't mention anything about my daughter because you can't seem to accept the fact that's she's here. And she's staying here."

Alice sighed, her hand raising to reach out for Nolan, only to freeze when she heard Carter call out for him. As if she wasn't there, Nolan turned towards his bedroom and immediately made his way over towards it.

Peering into the room, he saw Carter looking up at him with wide eyes. Her hair was all over the place and Nolan's heart melted as he looked towards her pouted lips. "Morning, princess."

Carter held her hands up and Nolan bent down, scooping her into his arms and kissing the side of her head. Carter snuggled into his shoulder and tightened her arms around his neck, "Nightmare."

Nolan frowned, Carter had been having nightmares about the car accident for the past week and Nolan didn't know how to comfort her. All he could do was hold her and tell her that she was okay. Nolan whispered softly into her ear that he was always there and she nodded against his shoulder.

Walking from his room, Alice frowned as she watched Nolan carry her towards the bathroom. She walked towards the bathroom, leaning against the door frame and she watched Nolan helped Carter onto the toilet. Once she was done peeing and Nolan finished the 'pee' song. He cleaned her off, chuckling when Carter hit him when he wiped too hard.

"Sorry, princess. I'm bad at this."

Carter nodded, "That's cause you have no cookie."

Nolan flushed at the word 'cookie' but nodded anyway and helped Carter pull up her underwear before lifting her into her arms again. As they were passing the tv, Carter gaped, raising her hand to point towards the tv. "That's me!" Carter giggled, "I'm famous."

Nolan sighed, "You have no idea."

<< o >>

"Carter!" Nolan scold, avoiding Carter's trembling lips and puppy dog eyes. Nolan picked up his iPad from her lap and tucked it under his arm, "You've already watched five episodes of Powerpuff Girls and I know you think Bubbles and Buttercup is really funny but it's time for a bath. Okay?"

Carter blew out a puff of air before nodding her head, "Kayyy."

Nolan smiled, switching off his iPad and placing it at the side of his bed. Picking Carter up, he carried her towards the bathroom where he had everything set up.

"You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." Nolan whispered towards Carter was he softly massaged her head. Apparently just laying around in bed and sleeping all day made your hair oily faster.

Carter smiled, her eyes drawn to the toy ponies Porter had bought her. "I like Dr. Diaz."

Nolan smiled, "Is it because he always gives you sweets after?"

Carter blushed, "No."

Nolan rose an eyebrow, flicking Carter's arm softly when she blushed, whispering how he was cute. "He's not that cute." Nolan defended, causing Carter to giggle and bury her face in Nolan's wet hand when he came to wipe off the few drops of soap that dripped onto her face from her hair.

"You're not even tired, my love. When are you going to go sleep?"

Carter pouted, "No sleep, scared."

Nolan sighed, quickly rinsing out Carter's hair, "Princess, you're going to have nightmares and I might not be able to protect you in them but I'll always be here for you when you wake up."

Carter smiled, "Daddy, my protector."

Nolan smirked, nodding his head, "Always, princess."

<< o >>

Small chapter, so sorry. Will try to update again today💛

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