shut up, old man

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y - F O U R

Laying there, staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room, Nolan didn't know what to do. This was the first time in months that he was supposed to sleep alone and he felt out of place.

After coming back from the club, Nolan had gone to fetch Carter only for his heart to slightly drop at the sight of her curled up in William and Rachel's arms. He couldn't take her away, especially when he knew how much William and Rachel wanted time with her.

So he just leaned over Rachel, gave Carter a kiss on the forehead before pulling Miles out of bed and dumping him on top of a passed out Landon.

Turning over in bed, Nolan stared at the spot Carter would lay and frowned. Maybe Carter wasn't the only one with separation issues.

Sitting up, Nolan decided to see if he could find any local jobs he could do because staying at home was driving him wild. Even if he loved every second with Carter.

Find a few modeling gigs, Nolan sent his headshot and was surprised to get an immediate response, it was three in the morning. The company was honored that he had reached out to him because they mainly got offers from new models who haven't been discovered yet.

The money was good so Nolan asked for a few gigs and was able to book gigs for the entire month.

The only problem, no one was there to look after Carter.

With everyone going back to work immediately after the road trip, Nolan needed someone to look after her. He would have asked Rachel but the woman had wanted a job of her own and decided to work past time in a hair salon near the small house Nolan had provided them with. Which was quickly denied by, by William.

It was a five-minute work from his apartment so he knew the family would come to eventually accepting the house.

Looking through a few babysitting sites, Nolan sent a few emails to students nearby who were looking for money to help pay for their fees. Most of them were girls, he assumed girls would be the best option since they might be more interested in watching Powerpuff Girls and braiding hair.

Sending out a few emails, Nolan laid back in bed. Only finally noticing that the sun had already risen and was filling his room with a golden glow.

And like a fucking angel, his door opened and Nolan's eyes darted Carter's pouty face before moving to Abbie's tired face. Shifting in Abbie's arms, Carter smiled at the sight of Nolan, the room lit up even more and Nolan sat up. "She had a nightmare." Abbie mumbled, sending Nolan a small smile when he jumped from his bed.

Nolan nodded, pulling Carter into his arms once he stood in front of Abbie. Taking a hold of his door, Nolan moved to bid Abbie goodbye when his eyes landed on her clothes. Or lack of.

"Did you sleep over by James?" Nolan rose an eyebrow, frowning slowly as he watched Abbie freeze, before quickly muttering, "That's none of your business."

Giving Nolan one last look, Abbie darted towards her room.

Carter giggled causing Nolan to look down at her, eyebrows raised, "What was that, princess?"

Carter rose a small finger to her lips and grinned, "That's a secret."

Nolan didn't ask any more questions before settling them both into bed. "Let's take one last nap, okay?"

Clutching the teddy bear James had given her, Carter curled up into Nolan's arms.

<< o >>

The bus was a mess as everyone settled into it after everyone had woken up. Landon was groaning every minute about his hangover as he pressed up against the side of the bus. A blanket was thrown over the window because Landon had cried out the minute they stepped out of the hotel room.

Porter was driving this time while Noah loudly protested that this was a shitty idea. Rachel was asleep on William's shoulder, from not having the best sleep when Carter was kicking and turning. Nolan almost felt sorry for the woman, Carter might have little legs but she definitely gave him bruises.

Nolan's arms rested on the back of the seat, Carter curled into his side while Miles was curled into hers. Whispering in each other's ears and giggling every five seconds. Nolan would have found the moment cute if it wasn't for Miles constant snorts. He had an ugly laugh. Nolan thought bitterly as he watched Carter stare up at Miles as if he was a angel.

Nolan smirked, looking towards Maggie who was teasing Landon while she laughed loudly. He got the ugly laugh from his mother. Abbie was trying not to stare a whole into the side of James' face while he was staring at his lap. His lips trying to stop forming into a grin.

Lucas leaned back against the back row of seats and smiled, "Let's go swimming, guys! I found this great beach—"

Landon groaned, pulling the jacket he had thrown over him over his face, "Shut up, old man."

Lucas chuckled, purposely swatting Landon's head that he groaned before turning to Porter, "Start the ride, boy. The beach is waiting."

<< o >>

Grandpa's finally taking little Carter to the beach!!

Got this idea from Xxbeachgirl97Xx

Thanks so much💛

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