we're in a hospital for crying out loud!

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Maggie looked up at the hospital that Landon parked in front of, different emotions tugged at her heart as she gazed up at it. She gulped turning to Landon who took her hand and tugged her along while Miles sat on his hip, his face laid against his shoulder as he looked around the hospital confused.

Maggie turned to her husband, "What's going on?"

Landon turned to his wife and sighed, "Nolan just found out he has a daughter."

Maggie froze, her eyes wide as she stared at Landon who stopped to stare at his wife, "A daughter? What do you mean? This isn't funny, Landon. We're in a hospital for crying out loud!" Landon frowned, his eyes darting around the hospital ground waiting room to see people starting to stare.

Landon stepped forward, "You know I don't joke, Maggie, I'm not joking." Landon laid his free hand on Maggie shoulder, "Maggie, I don't want you to ask to many question but Nolan got a call last night that he had to come to his hospital urgently. When we arrived, they said that they were in a car crash and Carter's mother passed away. She's alone and Nolan met her—"

Maggie's eyes widened, "Is she okay? Is Nolan with her now? Is he keeping her?"

Landon groaned, "Maggie, you can't questions okay? Don't even come up to Nolan, when I left, she had gone in for immediate surgery—"

Maggie gasped loudly, "What's wrong with her?"

Landon rolled his eyes, "She had internal bleeding that was unseen, I don't know what's happening but I don't want you to ask to many questions. When I left, Nolan wasn't himself, okay?"

Maggie nodded, eyes wide as she looked down at her feet. Allowing Landon to guide her into an elevator. Seeing Maggie's quite state, Landon pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple, "I know it's a lot to take in but I need you to not act... like you are now, okay? I know you're concerned for Nolan but please, if he doesn't look up to it, don't force him to talk."

Maggie nodded, running her finger through her wavy brown hair before shaking her head and looked up at her husband with a soft smile. "Okay, I'm good."

Miles stayed silent through out the entire time his parents spoke and once they were quiet, he leant up and looked up at his father, his blue eyes dropping and his dark hair messy from rubbing his head against Landon's shoulder, "Did Uncle Nolan have a baby?"

Landon smirked, "Kinda."

<< o >>

Maggie's eyes darted around as Landon stepped out of the elevator, his hold on her hand tightening as he neared the hospital room Carter had been placed in. He expected everyone to be inside the room, only to freeze at the sight of everyone sitting outside of the hospital room. The door was closed and the window that you could once peek through was closed by blinds.

Nolan sat nearest to the door, his knees bouncing rapidly as his eyes nervously darted around the door. Noah sat next to him, his eyes still filled with the guilt that maybe he was the cause of Carter becoming ill. Abigail leaned against her twin, offering him comfort as she rubbed at his arms slowly before her eyes darted up at the sound Landon's heavy foot steps.

She whispered something towards Noah before she stood and walked towards Landon, pulling Maggie into a quick hug before she looked over her shoulder towards Nolan who wouldn't take his eyes off the locked door.

Turning back to Landon, she made sure her voice was lowered as she spoke, "She just got out of surgery and the doctor locked her up in the room with a nurse. We have to wait until she wakes up."

Landon nodded, "Is she okay?"

Abigail nodded, "Yes, thank god. They said that Carter was lucky that she was so close to the emergency room, if it had been any later, her organ would have been damaged?"

Landon frowned, "Where was the bleeding?"

"Doctor said that she had blood leaking into her lungs, they got her on a breathing type of machine. Nolan didn't take seeing her with that thing to well."

Landon's eyes trailed towards Nolan before he looked back down at Abbie, "How's Nolan?"

"He wants to see her, even if she's not awake but the doctor wants to wait until Carter's awake. He wants to do check ups before we can see her."

Landon nodded, "Okay, how does she look?"

Abigail cringed, "She's a bit swollen and she was awake then they rolled her into the room but she was on heavy drugs, they don't want her feeling any pain. She looked terrible, dad had to take Nolan outside for a breather."

Maggie frowned, turning her gaze towards Nolan. Stepping towards him, Maggie moved to comfort him when a hand shot out, taking a hold of her wrist that she froze in place. Porter looked up at her, shaking his head, "Don't."

Maggie cast Nolan one last glance before she settled herself next to Porter on a bench before looking up at Landon who lowered a sleeping Miles into her arms. Kissing her forehead, he excused himself, saying he wanted to speak with Lucas. Maggie nodded, her gaze falling upon Nolan again when Landon started retreating towards Lucas.

Maggie was worried, she had grown up with Nolan. He was like her best friend, if it wasn't for him she would never have met Landon. Nolan might have been an asshole and sometimes, he was cold towards her, she didn't blame him. He'd grown detached from everyone, especially with his career choice and a dramatic break up after high school.

Seeing Nolan now, worried about his daughter made Maggie feel uncomfortable, just as Landon had felt at the beginning of all this. Maggie was use too knowing Nolan, to predicting what he'd do next but as she sat there, eyes locked on Nolan, she didn't know what was to come next and that worried her.

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