cool the fuck down, carter is his daughter

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C H A P T E R  E I G H T E E N

Carter was finally free to go, Nolan had the biggest fucking smile across his face that Abbie knew nothing could possibly ruin his mood. He would have skipped if it was some crappy movie. Abbie turned to Nolan, "I don't want to ruin your mood, but there is going to be paparazzi out there."

Nolan froze, his smile dropping before peering down at Carter who had laid her head onto his shoulder as she peered at everyone around her. He didn't want anyone to ruin that innocent look across her face and from being in show business, he's learned that one moment in the spotlight could break you down.

He didn't think he could handle people commenting on pictures of his daughter, criticizing everything he loved about her.

Abbie smiled apologetic, towards him but held up a bright pink blanket, "We can cover her, protect her eyes from the flashes."

Nolan sighed in relief before allowing Abbie to throw the blanket of Carter. The little girl gasped. Abbie chuckled, lifting the blanket that was covering her face, "Just covering your face for a little while, ok? Don't open it. If you keep it over your head until we get to the car, I'll buy you something."

Carter giggled, excited to receive something from her aunt. She nodded her head before shoving her face into Nolan's neck when Abbie cover her up again.

Abbie looked up at her older brother and smiled, "She's so fucking precious." She eyed the small bundle huddled up against Nolan's chest and cooed, "And is small."

Nolan nodded, "I know, I love it. Hopefully, she'll stay small forever."

James snorted, "It doesn't work that way."

William rolled his eyes, shoving his son slightly before giving him a harsh look to be quiet. Lucas chuckled, before hurrying everyone to head to the car, "Come on, we have a surprise party to get too."

Nolan smirked, his happy mood back. You could practically see the rainbows coming out of his ass. And again, paparazzi ruined it all over again.

Flashes temporary blinding him, his skin burning at the feeling of all the eyes that watched him and his ears bleeding at the sound of all the questions thrown at him. The shouts growing even louder when they noticed the hidden child in Nolan's arms.

"Whose the kid?!"

"Show us a face! Is the kid the reason you've been here for weeks?!"

"Get the blanket out of here!"

Nolan's jaw clenched, his arms tightening around his daughter as he sped up his walk towards his father's car. He didn't want any of them to touch her or come near her. The very thought had his blood boiling.

Abbie sighed, smiling softly at the cameras. Just like mother said. Just like mother taught you.

James and William shifted uncomfortably behind Lucas, not used to the attention from all these people. James had his eyes locked on Carter's blanket before his eyes widened when he saw a hand take a hold of one of the corners of the blanket and tug.

He moved to push the paparazzi away only to freeze when he saw Nolan shove the paparazzi away with his free hand. The man stumbled back, his camera falling from his hands. Nolan didn't care as he spat out, "Get the fuck away from us!"

He growled, shaking his head as he tried to calm his anger. He didn't want to put Carter in any harm. He quickly made his way over to the car, and pulled open the car's back door. There was already a car sear in there that Lucas had gifted him. He leaned into the car and pulled Carter from his chest, wrapping the blanket around her as he placed her in the car seat.

The blanket uncovered her face and she looked around with frightened eyes as the paparazzi screamed louder. Trying to get a closer look. Just seeing that scared expression made Nolan's hands start to shake and he couldn't get a grip on the seat belt of the car seat.

"I'll do it!" Abbie screamed, noticing how Nolan was slowly starting to lose his cool. More pictures were snapped, Nolan's murderous expression seeming to make a great story. Paparazzi kept their distance but stayed close to Abbie's side, trying to catch a shot of the now uncovered Carter. Knowing the perfect picture of the child in the car seat will make great money.

Nolan glared towards the paparazzi that had come closer as he pulled open the drivers door. He quickly shuffled in before starting the car. Abbie's heart skipping a beat when she heard Nolan rev the car impatiently and she looked over her shoulder towards her father who was trying to block her with his body.

Nolan looked up towards the rear mirror of his car and growled, "Hurry up, Abbie before I ride those mother— over."

Abbie quickly finished buckling Carter up, flinching as the screams of the paparazzi grew louder when they saw her start to pull away.

Nolan pressed on his gas, jaw clenching when he noticed some of the paparazzi stepping away while others stayed in place. Wanting a picture.

Abbie stood up, shutting the car quickly to hide Carter but her eyes locked on a paparazzi who was smirking before he stepped into the crowd. His gaze locked only on the pictures in his memory.

He had a view of the side of a face, it was a girl, blonde hair. You couldn't really make out a body or facial features but he knew he'd get a whole lot of cash for this one picture.

Once the door shut, Nolan pulled off. Abbie sighed, "We'll take my car, Nolan needs to cool down."

James scowled, "Carter is in that car, alone with him!"

Abbie pushed James, "Cool the hell down, Carter is his daughter. She is the only one who will be able to calm him down."

Abbie looked over her shoulder, shuddering when she noticed Nolan speed out of the parking lot, the tires of her father's car screeching and she sighed, hoping he was careful.

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