daddy, i'm a big girl now

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"So, she's getting discharged today?" Nolan asked, his voice hard. Trying to block any hope that was slipping into his voice and into his chest.

Dr. Diaz nodded, checking Carter's machines, "Yes, Mr. Pierce. Carter is in perfect shape to be at home."

Nolan nodded, "Any precautions?"

Mr. Pierce nodded, "Yes, Carter is on bed rest for eight weeks. No running around or wild playing. She will have medication that she will take after every meal and her diet will consist of only liquids. You can put her on soft foods like mashed vegetables after two weeks of bed rest. I want to have a few weekly check ups to make sure the would is healing well."

Nolan nodded, "Simple enough. I was planning to fly out to Carter's hometown. Is it okay if she flies?"

Dr. Diaz nodded, checking Carter's heart rate and blood pressure. "Yes, patients are able to fly ten days after surgery."

"When can I be out of here? I've been in this place too long."

Dr. Diaz chuckled, "By the end of the day, I'm sure."

Nolan nodded, finally relaxing as he watched the doctor jot down a few notes on his clipboard before giving Nolan a friendly smile and taking his leave. Once the door closed, Nolan smiled. Leaning down to look at Carter who was sleeping soundlessly. Nolan grinned, brushing her bang out of her face and kissing her forehead. Smiling when she started to shift in her sleep before her eyes fluttered open.

She immediately smiled upon seeing his face, "Morning, Daddy."

Nolan chuckled, "Hey, princess. Guess what?"

Carter eyes lit up, excited to find out what she had to guess, "I can see monkey?"

Nolan rolled his eyes, "Close, princess. You get to go home today! Isn't that just fuc—freaking fantastic?"

Carter nodded, holding out her arms as if for Nolan it took her but he hesitated. Not sure if holding her was permissible. Nolan thought it was okay, Carter had the okay to go home. Slowly, he pulled her into his arms. Making sure she wasn't in any pain.

Once she was in her arms, she laid her head against his shoulder. Blinking rapidly, "Dizzy."

She mumbled and Nolan nodded, knowing that that would side effects of the pain medication she was taking. So he just rubbed her back and kissed the side of her forehead every few minutes. "I can't wait for you to come home, Carter. You'll sleep in my bed until you're healthy enough. I want you close to me so I can make sure you're okay."

Carter nodded, her fingers tugging at the hairs on the nape of his neck. He had last gotten a haircut two weeks before and he was in desperate need of one. "Sound fun." Carter mumbled after a while before she pulled her head, leaning back to peer up at Nolan.

"Daddy, I'm a big girl now. Can I have a room?"

Nolan nodded, "Of course, princess. Whatever your heart desires."

Carter didn't seem to understand him, the reason why she supported the confused look but she didn't ponder on it long. Laying her head back into his shoulder, mumbling out anything that can to her head. "That's a really pretty red, daddy. I want my room to be red but I like pink too. Maybe it can be blue cause a girl can also had blue!"

Nolan chuckled, "Sure they can, princess. They can even have green and brown."

Carter giggled, "Ew, Daddy. I don't want a brown room."

Nolan snorted, shaking his head, "Then pink, red or blue it is."

Hearing the sound of the door open, Nolan turned towards it. Smiling when he saw Abbie at the door. Balloons floated around her, he was able to make out a few. Some say congratulations and get well soon. The biggest one has 'WELCOME HOME' across it.

Noah stood behind her, a bubblegum milkshake in his hand and a cup of yogurt. Lucas smirked from behind his youngest son, Barbie gifts bag in both hands. James smiled, seeing Carter on Nolan's shoulder while William sent Nolan a wide grin.

Abbie stepped into the room, "I heard someone's coming home today!"

Carter looked up, gasping at the sight of all the balloons. Before she pointed towards the biggest one, shyly looking towards Abbie as she asked to hold it. Abbie immediately thrust it into her small chubby hand before leaning forward and kissing Carter's head before she cringed, pulling away. "Your Daddy didn't listen when I told him to get your hair washed."

Nolan rolled his eyes, flattening down Carter's slightly dirty hair. "Hey, I didn't like the way the hospitals shampoo smelled. I'll get her flavored shit when we're home."

William stepped forward, kissing Carter's forehead, "My baby is finally going home. I'm so relieved."

James nodded from behind his father, "Just wish it was the right home."

Nolan ignored his comment, turning to Noah and his father who grinned towards Carter. "Stop, you'll scare my kid."

Abbie smirked, shoving Noah slightly, "Come on, Carter needs to have her breakfast."

Noah held out the yogurt to Abbie but she shook her head, "You feed her, she won't bite."

Noah rolled his eyes, pulling open the yogurt and turning to Nolan. Who sat onto Carter's hospital bed while Noah sat next to him. Carter's head laying against Nolan's shoulder, her head facing Noah who held up spoons of yogurt to her lips.

Carter grinned as she ate the yogurt, "Strawberry!" She giggled, eagerly opening her mouth when Noah rose another spoon to her mouth.

Abbie turned to Nolan, whispering softly in his ear so Carter wouldn't hear her, "Well, we decided to throw Carter a surprise party for coming home. A small one, with just."

Nolan smiled, "That would be nice, Carter will like that."

Abbie nodded, "The boys and Maggie are setting up the party right now because..." Abbie voice rose until Carter turned to her with wide eyes, "Someone's going home!"

Carter smiled, blushing when Nolan reaches down to wipe yogurt from her cheek. Glaring towards Noah for making her messy. Noah shrugged, stealing a spoon of yogurt.

"I think it's time to give Carter a wash!" Abbie called out, walking into the small bathroom that was in her private room. She was in there a while but Nolan could hear her filling up that big pink bucket Carter took baths in. Carter didn't like laying on the bed and being wiped down with a sponge so when she got an okay to finally bath, Carter jumped at the opportunity to ask for a bath.

Abbie walked into the hospital room with a Barbie towel thrown over her shoulder and Nolan turned to look at Lucas, who grinned at the sight of the towel. He seemed to think Barbie was the only girly things Carter needed.

Carter turned to Abbie, before looking up at Nolan with a frown, "I want daddy to do it."

Abbie smiled watching as Nolan cringed at the idea of getting wet. Abbie rolled her eyes, "I think it's a good idea, Nolan. I'm not going to be there every day to wash her."

"I'm sure it's not that difficult, I watch myself."

"Daddy, did daddy wash a girl?" Carter looked up at him with wide eyes and Nolan sighed. He'd been with many women in her shower but nothing about the shower included washing. And he guessed, he had to know what lotion Carter needed first and how to wash her hair and keep soap out of her eyes.

Nolan stood, following Abbie into the bathroom only to regret his decision to help the minutes he saw all products Carter was going to use.

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