i think ariel is much prettier then snow white

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C H A P T E R  F O R T Y - F O U R

They were on a fucking date. Holding hands and staring at each other as if they were fucking in love. It made Porter sick...no, it made him fucking angry.

Abbie had always looked at him as if she was love sick and now she was looking at James as if he was the prince of mother fucking charming. Porter huffed, trying to calm down as he paced in front of the restaurant they couple were dining at.

He had come to the restaurant for an interview, he was finally going to get a deal on an acting job he'd been wanting for a while only to walk in on James walking Abbie over to a table for two and he lost it. Storming out of the restaurant after shoving a poor waiter to the floor.

He was dick.

Letting Abbie be in love with him while he slept with other girls but he was scared. So fucking scared to be with her.

Scared he wouldn't be enough for her.

Scared he'd lose Nolan.

Scared he'd break her heart.

Because god, did she have the biggest heart and for him to break it, would kill him.

Maybe him being a dick broke her heart already.

Porter breathed deeply, he knew it was selfish. To not want her to commit to someone when he was to scared to commit to her.

Taking one glance at the couple through the windows of the restaurant, Porter straightened.

Either he let her go or he confessed.

And he was a very selfish person when it came to Abbie.

<< o >>

"I'm sorry if this was to cliché, Maggie said you loved this restaurant and I really wanted to spoil you tonight—"

Abbie giggled, immediately cutting off James rambling as he lead her down the hallway towards her apartment. "I had fun tonight, James. Don't over think it."

James smiled, nodding his head, "I had fun too, Abbie. You're just...amazing."

Abbie's smile widened, leaning up and laid a soft kiss onto his jaw, "Night, James."

James nodded, waving back shyly as he watched her walk up to her apartment before turning away when the door shut behind her.

It wasn't weird. Him dating his niece's aunt was not weird. James didn't understand why William had told him that as if it was funny. Shaking his head, James hurried to his car only to freeze at the sight of Porter rushing past him.

James frowned, wondering why he was here but didn't think much of it as he sent the guy a wave. Shocked to receive a glare, James rushed to his car faster, lifting his cell to give Abbie a call.

<< o >>

Abbie rolled her eyes as she stared down at her cell, James was calling her. She smirked, raising the cell to her ear, "Miss me already?"

James let out a dry chuckle, "Maybe, just wanted to check in on you. I saw Porter making his way into the building."

Abbie frowned, confused as she asked if James was sure. "I just wanted to ask if he was coming to see you, I know you have feelings for him and—"

Abbie sighed, "James, you're an amazing guy who loves my niece, you're perfect. I might still have strong feelings for Porter but I'd never do that to you."

James sighed, "I'm sorry, I just— If you still love him, if you even get a small chance to be with him, please tell me. I won't mind, ok? I want you to be happy and if that isn't with me, I'll understand, ok?"

Abbie bit at her lip, how could she give up him? A guy who wants her and cares for her over a guy whose broken her heart since she was small. It was a stupid move.

But hearing that knock on the door made her realize that she was all kinds of stupid.

<< o >>

"You know, I think Ariel is much prettier then Snow White." Nolan stated his thoughts, shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth as he watched Ariel comb her hair with a fork.

Carter looked towards Ariel before looking down at Snow White that was printed across her pajamas shirt. Looking up at her father after, Carter shrugged, "They both pretty. Right?" Carter turned to Miles who started at Ariel a little longer before nodding, blushing when Nolan snorted.

"For someone who calls my son, 'little fucker', you sure do ask to have him over a lot." Landon mumbled, watching the three that sat on the sofa in front of the television.

"Carter likes him so he's welcomed." Nolan shrugged, shoving another handle of popcorn into his mouth before twisting his arm around so he could check the time on his watch. "Oh! Shit!" Jumping from the sofa, Nolan ignored the popcorn he spilled as he pulled Carter into his arms and rushed towards his room.

Landon rolled his eyes, "You forget that interview?!"

Nolan shouted back towards Landon that he had totally forgot that he was supposed to talk about his 'new' life on a tv show. Apparently his mother had been able to get the Ellen to want an interview with him.

He was supposed to bring Carter, so people could finally, kind of, meet her. He wanted to put an end to the spoilt brat labels that had been put on Carter's name. He didn't understand why people would assume...maybe Carter was spoiled. Nolan had given her everything he thought she desired but she was no brat. She'd never once cried for something or threw a tantrum because something didn't go her way.

Shaking his head, Nolan stripped Carter of her clothes before placing her into a bathtub while he rushed back to his room. Getting all of his luggage ready to get ready for his flight to California that was to take off in thirty minutes. Hearing splashing from the bathroom, Nolan cursed, rushing to wash Carter only to sigh in relief when he saw Landon running a face cloth across her face.

"Get done, I'll get Carter ready." Landon mumbled before turning back to Carter who sent him a wide smile.


Thanks so mf much for 30k! Your support for this book has been amazing and I wouldn't be here without it!

A little chapter, I know but there'll be another update soon!


she's my princessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora