daddy will always protect you, okay? no one will hurt you, ever

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C H A P T E R  N I N E T E E N

Nolan couldn't fucking believe it. They were going to take her out of his hands. Just for a picture. He knew that his mother would have his ass later for punching a paparazzi but he didn't care. The asshole tried to take Carter, for a fucking picture.

Nolan looked up from the road, looking up to look at Carter through his rear view mirror when he heard her call out for him. He sighed, closing his eyes and taking in deep breaths before looking up at Carter again. Her eyes were wide, looking directly at him through the mirror. "Daddy, scary people."

Nolan nodded, "I know, baby, but daddy will always protect you, okay? No one will hurt you, ever."

Carter nodded, "Daddy, can you play my song?"

Nolan smirked, fishing out his cell from his jeans before connecting to the car, the song immediately streaming through the car. Carter giggled, wiggling in her car seat. Nolan watched her carefully, worried she'd irritate her wound.

But he knew she was still a bit high on meds.

"I wanna dance with somebody!" Carter sang out, her hand coming out as if to hit the roof and Nolan chuckled. James had told Abbie, knowing Nolan was listening that Carter loved this song. She would dance to it with her grandmother and mother just before bedtime.

"You'll show me your dance moves, won't you princess?"

Carter grinned, chirping out a small okay before screaming out the rest of the song.


"Where are the damn marshmallows?!" Abbie called out as she ran across the kitchen of her brother's apartment. She had prepared everything for Carter's surprise party. She even had a surprise for Nolan.

Porter chuckled, snaking an arm around Abbie's waist, smiling down at her when she slight flushed, "It's in the bowl, babe. Maggie sorted them out."

Abbie breathed in relief before stepping out of Porter's arms, awkwardly clearing her throat when she noticed he was still staring down her. Hearing a deeper throat, Porter stiffened. His gaze immediately leaving Abbie's face before turning towards Landon who was glaring towards him. "Go help Miles put the balloons in the box."

Porter nodded, almost sprinting away from Abbie who turned to Landon with a defeated expression, "He's not it for you, okay? Nolan would never allow it."

Abbie sighed, nodding her head before deciding to check on Nolan's surprise. She smiled, gazing down at the white cupboards standing in Carter's soon to be bedroom. Abbie had prepared everything for Carter's arrival and to make Nolan's life easier.

Abbie had everything labeled, she had had a shopping spree when Nolan had given her his card. She had bought Carter outfits that would last her a lifetime, shoes that Carter had never seen in her life.

Nolan would probably pass out at the sight of all the products Carter could use for just her hair but Abbie had labeled everything. Even the bathroom was labeled. Abbie smiled at the reaction Nolan was going to have when he sees his grand bathroom is all pink.

Hearing a bell, everyone started to shush each other, Abbie speed walk towards the entrance of Nolan's house. He had stopped at a gas station so that Abbie and the others could get at the house before him. Abbie smiled as she heard Carter let a small gasp as she looked around the house. She was in Nolan's arms, her head scanning the entire house before she grinned widely when her eyes landed on everyone else.

"Yay!" She cheered, turning to Nolan and hugging her neck, "Thank you, Daddy."

Nolan kissed Carter's head, "It wasn't me, princess. Abbie set everything up."

Carter peered down at Abbie and smiled, "Thank you, Abbie!"

Abbie grinned, stepping onto her tippy toes to kiss Carter's cheek before smiling up at Nolan, who sent her nod. Telling her he was okay.

Nolan wouldn't put Carter down the entire time they arrived, showing her everything around the house. He was scared that her walking would cause her pain. When he stepped from his bathroom, Abbie giggled at his pale appearance, "You okay, Nolan?"

Nolan turned to her, softly narrowing his eyes before sighing, "Thank you, Abbie. You've helped a lot."

Abbie grinned, "Carter! How about you met Miles?"

Carter tilted her head confused before looking up at Nolan when he grumbled under his breath. Before Nolan could protest, Miles came running towards Nolan. Making grabbing hands at him while his eyes were locked on Carter.

Nolan sighed, walking past Miles who followed after him. Nolan placed Carter on a sofa and helped Miles up to sit next to her before pointing a warning finger towards him, "Look, boy. Carter has a very huge sore so if you're wild with her, she'll get hurt."

Miles nodded before turning to Carter, blue eyes wide that they could have been mistaken hearts. He definitely had a crush.

Miles leaned towards Carter who grinned up at him, happy she was going to be making a friend, "Hey, I'm Miles!"

Carter smiled, shyly whispering her name before gasping when Miles took her hand in his, holding it tightly that she blushed widely before turning to look up at the tv that Landon had turned on. Nolan chocked at the sight of their intertwined hands but shut his mouth when he saw Carter's wild smile.

Maggie squealed, pulling her phone out, "Smile!"

Miles blushed, looking down at Carter who buried her face in his small arm, blushing madly. Abbie cooed, turning to Maggie with a knowing look.

Nolan scowled, his eyes locking with James who was scowling as well. Before their face straightened, glaring at each other before turning away.

<< o >>

Hearing a knock at the door, Abbie turned towards it with a smile. Her parents were finally here.

She jogged towards the door, eagerly pulling it open only for her smile to drop when her eyes scanned the model in front of her. She paled, gulping dryly.

Nolan had gone out with her few times after they posed for Vogue magazine a month ago and he hadn't called her back after as rumor said, slept with her in her apartment. And from the angry frown on her face, she wasn't here to ask for another date.

Abbie didn't even get a chance to protest before she was pushed out of the way. Gasping loudly when she landed onto Porter's chest. Porter's eyes widened at the sight of the model before they darted towards Nolan who was lifting a sleeping Carter into his arms.

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