you were made to be a father, bubba.

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Abbie smiled down at Carter who sat sideways on Nolan's lap. Both adults were seated on the floor, leaning over the tub like shower into a pink bucket that Carter was to bathe in. Carter was undressed, wrapped in a towel while Abbie explained things to Nolan.

"Always check the water temperature before, you don't want it too hot or be cold."

Carter nodded, "Don't like hot, daddy."

Abbie giggled, taking Nolan's hand so he was able to feel the water, "See, lukewarm, perfect."

Abbie held out a small bottle towards Nolan that was filled with a pink glittery liquid, "The cap of the bottle is a cup, I put this is the water because it makes the water glittery which is pretty and makes bubbles which are fun."

Once she poured the liquid into the tub, she shook the water with her hand. Smiling when Carter's eyes lit up at the sight. "When the water ready, Carter goees in."

Nolan stood up, helping Carter into the tub before sitting back and rolling up his sleeves. "First, we'll wash her hair." Abbie held out a princess shampoo to Nolan, "Don't use too much."

Abbie grabbed a jug and held it up for Nolan, "This is your best friend in the tub and this," Abbie held up a face cloth. Abbie reached for Carter, "Look up, babes."

Carter looked up, closing her eyes when Abbie laid the folded cloth over her eyes and filled the jug with water and poured it over her head. Avoiding her eyes. Nolan watched carefully, taking note of how she started washing Carter's hair. Softly massaging her head that Carter smiled. Her hands tugging at the toy Nolan had handed her.

When her hair was shampooed, Abbie rinsed her hair. Reminding Nolan to avoid her eyes and keep her head up. "Always shampoo twice, then you know her hair is one hundred percent clean."

After the second wash, Abbie rinsed her hair and held out a conditioner towards Nolan, "Don't use too much of this, will make her hair oily. She has enough natural oils and you must rinse it out probably. To check, when you pour the water over her head and water become clear as it leaves her hair, it's washed out."

Nolan nodded, sticking his tongue out towards Carter that she giggled. Her eyes darting down to pull the bubbles towards her. "We'll wash her while the conditioner is in her hair. Use the cloth, it's less harsh on her skin. Wash her face first, I got a specific wash for her face so please use that. Once her face is clean, you wash her body. Stand, babes."

Carter stood, her attention on the dolls she was playing with rather on Abbie who was washing her crack. Abbie was careful around her healing wound. When she was finished, Abbie asked her to sit before pouring the water over her body.

Once the conditioner was rinsed, Nolan wrapped a towel around Carter and lifted her from the bath. His heartwarming when's she giggled and buried her face into his neck. Abbie was happy to see him not complain that he was getting wet. Once they walked back into the hospital room, Nolan was surprised to see everyone gone. Nolan lowered Carter onto the bed, pulling funny faces towards his daughter as he dried her off. Before Abbie came around again, with a small bag in her arms. "This is for after Carter's baths."

Once Carter sat up, Abbie wrapped a small towel on her head after slight drying it off before handing Nolan a lotion. Nolan carefully rubbed her full, smirking when Carter giggled when he tickled her underarms. Once she was rubbed out, Abbie rubbed Carter's face with the face cream. Reminding Nolan what to use before handling Nolan her clothes. When she was dressed, Abbie sat her down and pulled the towel from her head and poured a few drops of oil from a bottle into her hand, "Helps untangle her hair so when you brush it out, it doesn't hurt her."

Nolan liked it already, he didn't want Carter feeling any pain. Abbie showed Nolan how to brush her hair out before pulling out the small hairdryer she took almost everywhere, "You're so lucky Carter has straight hair, it would be a mission to neaten up her hair." Nolan smirked, watching as Abbie softly brushed Carter's hair as she held the hairdryer above her head.

"See, easy. I know you know how to plait hair, you've been doing my hair since I was a kid." Abbie smiled, turning towards her brother, "You were made to be a father, Bubba. Don't ever doubt your ability to look after her."

<< o >>

"I really like this, Daddy," Carter whispered, into Nolan's ear. She was against his chest, his one arm keeping her against him while the other arm's hand was running over the pink dress Nolan had dressed her in. It was long, reaching her ankles and was long sleeved because it was a bit chilly outside. She wore grey wool stockings underneath which she had squealed upon seeing. She seemed to like the small wool flowers that ran across both her carves. She was a little disappointed that two of the flowers were covered because of her sneakers.

She had almost cried when she saw them. James has smiled sadly, saying they could never afford name brand shoes for her. She hadn't stopped saying thank you for the pink Adidas sneakers Nolan had bought her online.

Nolan looked down, smiling as Carter reached down to copy him as she ran her hands over the pink material of the dress. "I know, princess. You won't stop telling me."

Carter blushed, "Sworry."

Nolan smiled, leaning forward to give Carter a small kiss on her forehead, "Don't say sorry, princess. Whatever is mine is yours."

Carter seemed shocked by the news but didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. Blushing slightly when she leaned away.

"Mr. Pierce."

Nolan turned towards the doctor, smiling widely when he held out a clipboard towards him. "I'll see you next week."

Nolan nodded, immediately sighing any papers handed to him before turning to look down at Carter, "Let's go home."

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