i missed you so much, princess

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C H A P T E R  N I N E

Porter sighed, satisfied at finally having taken a shower. His muscles were more relaxed then it had been since stepping into this hospital. Running a hand through his tangled wet locks, he turned to Nolan who stood at the window of Carter's hospital room. A nurse had opened it and Nolan couldn't tear his eyes away from Carter sleeping form.

Porter walked towards him, startling the blonde when he laid his hand on his shoulder. "You should take a shower, Nolan."

Nolan shook his head, "No, I want to be here when she wakes up."

Porter sighed, "You look like shit, dude. Just take a quick shower, five minutes."

"Anything can happen in five minutes."

Porter turned towards Landon who shook his head, standing from the bench he was seated at and took a hold of Nolan's other shoulder. "If Carter wakes up, I'll tell you immediately, okay? You don't want her seeing you like this, okay?"

Nolan turned towards Landon before passing his gaze towards Porter who handed him the bag with fresh clothes. "Five minutes."

Nolan nodded, casting Carter one last look before taking ahold of the bag and walked towards the shower Dr. Diaz had offered the family of Carter.

<< o >>

Like butterflies, Carter's eyes slowly opened before fluttering rapidly as it tried to get use to the bright light that was shone over her. Her eyes narrowed before she looked around, she was alone except for a woman who had her back towards her.

Carter couldn't talk, her throat was scratchy and Carter frowned at the feeling. Carter's eyes darted around, hoping she could spot her mother only for her heart to pang and her eyes to tear up when she remembered mommy wasn't there anymore. She looked around for her daddy, her heart starting to beat faster. Wondering if everything she remembered was a dream. Her eyes teared up more, she didn't want it to be a dream. She missed daddy when he was gone.

The woman, noticing that the beeping of Carter's heart beat on the machine was starting to increase turning around quickly, a smile coming to her face when she noticed the little girl was wake. The father would be relieved.

The nurse hurried towards her, leaning over the bed to talk to the little girl only to frown when she looked down at the girl's panicked state.

Carter stared up at the woman and a small whimper left her little lips. She started to notice that something was wrong, she couldn't feel her legs and arms and she was droozy, sleepy. Carter also noticed something hard against her stomach, that let off an irritating tingling feeling whenever she tried to more of she clenched her stomach. Carter could describe what she felt in one word, she felt funny and not the good funny.

The nurse reached down, brushing Carter's hair from her hair and smiled down at her. "Hey, baby. My name's Jane, what's yours?"

Carter concentrated on the woman face that was slightly blurry from her tears. Carter slowly opened her mouth, "Carter."

Jane nodded, smiling encouragingly and watching as Carter's eyes darted towards her lips. Concentrating on the movement as she spoke again, "That's good. Do you remember what happened before?"

Carter slowly nodded, "With Noah and... and nose bleed."

The nurse nodded, continuing to run her fingers through the little girl's hair, noticing how it calmed her down. "You had a really serious owie, honey and the doctor had to fix you quickly." Carter nodded, her eyes staring at the nurse's lips. The movements distracting her from the tingling sensation that was starting to irritate her. "Did he fix my owie?"

Jane smiled, "Yes and you're all better but he had to make another owie to fix your other one." Jane said, trying to explain what Carter was feeling so she wouldn't freak out.

Carter nodded, "Like swergery."

Jane smiled, "Yes, like surgery but he closed the owie but it's going to be sore for a while."

Carter frowned, not liking that it was going to hurt. Jane quickly started talking again when she noticed her tearing up again. "But the doctor gave you medicine to take all the pain away and now all you feel is small tingles, right?"

Carter nodded, slowly lifting her numb arm. Jane smiled, her free hand coming towards the girl's hand and giving it a soft squeeze, "They will feel funny for a while, honey. It's the medicine that makes the owie's... not sore."

Carter nodded before looked towards the bed, mumbling, "And Daddy?"

Jane smiled, "Your daddy was very worried about you, honey but when he sees that you're awake, he's going to be very happy."

Carter's mood immediately lifted and she looked up at the nurse, "Can see Daddy?"

The nurse nodded, "Soon, honey but the doctor must first check all your owies before daddy can give you a big kiss, okay?"

Carter giggled, nodding her head quickly, "Yes, pwease."

<< o >>

Nolan ran a towel over his head wildly, his blonde hair laying across his forehead, dark gold from the water. Throwing the towel around his neck, Nolan dried off his chest before pulling on a hoodie over. A jeans supporting his legs with boots. Nolan sighed, hurrying to shove his dirty clothes and wet towels into the bag before pulling open the door only for Porter to come knocking into him.

Nolan closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself as he waited for Porter to detach himself from him. Porter smiled in relief, throwing his arms around Nolan's neck that he tensed up before shoving off the idiot. "What are you doing?"

"She's awake, the doctor walked in for his last check ups! When he's finished, you're allowed to go in."

Nolan's eyes widened, quickly shoving the bag into Porter's arms and hurrying off towards the hospital room just in time for Dr. Diaz to exist. His eyes darting around before they landed on Nolan, a smile stretched across his face. "Mr. Pierce, —"

Nolan's eyes widened, his hands snapping out to take a hold of the doctor's shoulders, "Can I see her?"

Dr. Diaz chuckled, nodding his head, "Yes, Mr. Pierce. She's finally awake and can't wait to see you."

Nolan smiled, running a hand through his before stepping towards the room's door when Dr. Diaz stepped out of the way. Pushing the door open, Nolan held his breath as he stepped into the room. Closing it behind him, Nolan's eyes snapped toward Carter bed that was in the middle of the private room. Nolan quickly stepped towards it, a loud breath leaving him as he looked down at his daughter's beautiful face.

The last time he had seen her so close, she had been on some type of breathing machine and her face was swollen. Nolan smiled, reaching out to run his hand across her soft cheek, his eyes watering as he watched her slowly open her eyes. Those blue eyes that he'd given her staring up at him as if he was god. "Hey, princess."

Carter grinned, her hand slowly lifting to take a hold of Nolan's hand that wasn't running through her hair, "Hey, Daddy. I missed you."

Nolan chuckled, leaning down to lay a soft kiss against his daughter's forehead, "I missed you so much, princess. You have no idea how much."

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