you have to say i wove you too!

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C H A P T E R  F O R T Y - T H R E E

Miles didn't like Zach Skoll at all.

It was written across his face as he glared towards Zach as he whispered something into Carter's ear that had her giggling. It didn't help that Carter was all snuggled on his lap and hadn't gotten as excited at his presence as she always did.

Miles didn't want a small hi from Carter! He wanted her to hug him like she always did and drag him off to play with her in the play room. She didn't even give him wave!

Miles huffed, ignoring Landon as he tucked his black hair out of his face. "What's wrong, bud?"

"Carter likes Zach more then me." Miles grumbled out, sniffling softly before turning to Landon with a heartbroken expression. Landon's heart broke and he lifted the small boy into his arms and hugged him. "It's ok, bud. Zach's too old for her anyway."

Miles shook his head, sniffling into the crook of Landon's neck, "Carter don't like me anymore."

Landon's eyes widened slightly when he felt Miles start to sob softly into his shirt and his heart broke. He didn't think Miles crush was that serious to him.

Hearing crying, Carter looked up from the iPad in Zach's hand until they landed on Miles who crying into his daddy's shirt. Carter frowned, ignoring Zach's concerned voice as she crawled from his lap and ran over towards Landon.

Hearing her small foot steps, Landon looked from staring at the wall as he comforted Miles, Landon was surprised to see the sad expression across her face and was surprised when she threw her arms around his legs and looked up at him with wide eyes. "What's wrong with, Milo, Lannie?"

Landon sighed, "Why don't you ask him, kid."

Setting Miles on his feet, Landon knelt between the two and didn't hesitate to pull Carter into his arms when he noticed how much Miles being upset was affecting her as well. Sniffling into the collar of Landon's shirt, Miles peeked at Carter before turning away.

Carter frowned, arm reaching out to tug at Miles black t-shirt. "Milo? What's wrong?"

Miles shook his head, tightening his hold onto Landon's shirt. Carter frowned, tugging harder onto his shirt, "What's wrong, Miles?"

Hearing his actual name, Miles looked up from Landon's shirt and pouted. Turning towards Carter, Miles sniffled. Raising a hand to wipe at his nose, "You don't like me anymore."

Carter frowned, throwing her hands up as she stared at Miles with wide eyes, "You my husband, Milo. I wove you."

Miles stared at Carter before giggled, "Really?"

Carter huffed, crossing her arms, "You have to say I wove you too!"

Miles nodded, mumbling the words softly before smiling when Carter took a hold of his hand, "You done crying?"

Miles nodded, letting Carter drag him over to Zach who watched the two with an amused smile. Reaching down, Zach lifted Carter onto his lap before staring down at Miles who sent him a small glare before crawling onto the couch.

Miles smiled as he watched the movie Carter was watching. He got to hold Carter's hand and Zach didn't.

<< o >>

Even on her tippy toes, Carter couldn't open the front door to her father's apartment. And the constant knocking on the door was starting to torment her, a constant ringing that told her to open the door.

She knew she should look if there were strangers but the doorman only let people in if they were a regular. And everyone that was a regular was definitely not a stranger.

Once her small fingers wrapped around the door handle, she grinned. Doing a small dance as the door clicked open. Turning to Miles who stood behind her, she stuck her tongue. "See! Told you I can do it!"

Miles rolled his eyes, tugging at the ends of his Batman pjs before looking up at the person wide eyed. Confused at Miles expression, Carter turned around only to frown in confusion at the sight of a woman.

She looked familiar, she had the same scowl and weird looking eyes. Carter pointed up at her, her mouth in the shape of an 'o' as she recognized the woman's features. "Woman from Daddy's job!"

The woman's scowl deepened and Carter rolled of her uncomfortable feeling as she turned around. "I'll tell daddy you came to visit."

Running off into the hallway, Miles followed her with his eyes before staring up at her woman who stepped into the apartment and shut the door. Recognizing the woman, Miles scowled, "My mommy doesn't like you." He mumbled before running over towards his father when Landon and Nolan came stomping down the hallway.

Carter was wrapped around one of Nolan's legs, her face buried into his thigh as she apologized over and over for opening the door without his permission.

Once he saw who Carter had open the door for, Nolan scowled. "What the actual fuck are you doing here? I told you, you're not welcome here."

Alexia smirked, "We have a date, didn't I inform you?"

Nolan growled, "And didn't I inform you all those years ago that I don't want to see your fucking face again!"

Carter flinched from Nolan's hard voice before relaxing when Nolan laid his hand onto her head and began to massage her scalp as if to calm her. Peeking out from behind Nolan's leg, Carter frowned up at her daddy, "Why is daddy so rude?"

Alexia smirked, "Yes, Daddy. Don't be rude."

Nolan growled, huffing as he took a step forward, finger pointed warningly towards the woman. Alexia stepped back in shock, not thinking Nolan would get so angry at her presence, "Don't fucking call me that." He hissed, before sucking in a breath when he felt Carter flinch again.

He really needed to calm down.

Taking a deep breath, Nolan bent down and pulled Carter into his arms. Wrapping her up in his warmth, Nolan turned his hard gaze towards Alexia, "I'm only going to say this once, and I'm doing it nicely. You don't have any place in my life, I don't want you anywhere near my house and if I see you knock on my door again, I'll be drag your name through the dirt, you hear me?"

Alexia gulped, knowing Nolan could easily ruin her career and scanned him up and down. He wasn't worth it.

Sure, he was amazing in bed but he wasn't that good for her to jeopardize her career.

Alexia turned from the apartment, flinching when the door shut loudly behind her.

Turning to Landon, Nolan growled, "I guess I'm doing that fucking interview. These greedy..." Nolan trailed off at the sight of Miles curious eyes before sighing, "These people need to know I'm not the same Nolan Pierce."

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