daddy's real famous, princess

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - T W O

Week six.

Carter was finally able to eat solid foods and Nolan was glad because he could see Carter was starting to get sick of eating just soup and yogurt. Nolan couldn't really cook any other food.

His maid and cook was off and would only be coming back in a few weeks. Nolan couldn't be gladder that the weeks were going fast. Soon, Carter would be able to go on with life normally.

No more bed rest. No more weekly check-ups.

Which she had to attend in twenty minutes.

Nolan sighed, finishing off the strawberry milkshake Carter wasn't able to finish. He glanced down at her as she happily sipped on his cool drink. "I don't think you're supposed to have that, princess."

Carter shook her head, "Yummy."

Nolan grinned, pushing the frame of his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to gaze down at Carter who smiled up at him cheekily. Nolan had been told last week that Carter was given the okay to walk around and go out. He had immediately taken Carter to a small diner that didn't get many customers this time of day.

Nolan reaches across the table, intending to steal one of Carter's fries only to gasp dramatically when Carter slapped his hand softly. Giggling when Nolan sent her a small glare. "No hitting."

Carter smiled, "No fries."

Nolan chuckled, turning his head slightly when someone walked past. His face hidden under his cap, Carter frowned, "Daddy, why hide?"

Nolan smiled, "Daddy's real famous, princess and if people see me, we'll never get out of here."

Carter didn't quite understand but nodded her head anyway before scouting closer towards her father when the male waiter came to clean up their table. Nolan mumbled a thanks, smiling softly when Carter chirped out a 'thank you' as well when he lifted her up into his arms and placed money down into the table.

Taking his leave, he placed kisses against Carter's cheeks. Smiling when she let out a row of giggles as she tried to get her face away from his kisses. He'd been growling stubble, having no time to shave and knew that his kisses were ticklish which was the main reason he kept it.

Carter never stopped giggling at the feeling of it and he never wanted her to stop giggling.

Carter let out a small breath when Nolan finally leaned away, "Daddy, you need a haircut." Carter mumbled, tugging at Nolan's long locks.

Nolan's nodded, he did need one. He was planning to cut it shorter than he usually would. He'd go after Carter's doctor's appointment.

<< o >>

Nolan didn't really like Carter's doctor's appointments.

The place smelled shitty.

People that looked dead crept Carter out.

And Dr. Diaz always seemed to make Nolan so fucking nervous. They way he'd hum a certain way while checking Carter's vitals and how he'd always slightly poke at Carter's wound to the point where she was tearing up.

And when he was done messing with his daughter, he had the fucking nerve to smile like he'd just uncovered the cure for cancer.

"You must be very excited, Carter." Dr. Diaz said as he tugged Carter's blue hoodie down. He patted her stomach, chuckling nervously when Nolan sent him a glare and a tight smile.

Carter looked up at Dr. Diaz, her hand coming up to push her bangs from her face only to pout when Nolan straightened them out again across her forehead. "And why would she be excited?" Nolan drawled out as he helped Carter stand on the hospital bed. She wasn't tall enough to even reach his nose.

Giggling, Carter placed her hands on Nolan's shoulder, pushing herself into her toes as she kissed Nolan's chin. Her giggles growing louder when his stubble tickled her lips.

"She can finally fly."

Nolan nodded, he can finally be able to fly both of them down to Carter's hometown. Carter grinned, thinking the news was great and Nolan smiled. "You hear that, princess? We're going to go visit your grandma."

Carter let out a small squeal, tapping Nolan's shoulder to lift her up into his arms. Nolan smiled, wrapping his arms around her and settling her onto his hip. Carter sighed, laying her head on his shoulder. Dozing off as Dr. Diaz explained a few things about her change in medication and change in diet.

When everything was complete, Nolan finally let out a breath as he exited the hospital with a sleeping Carter leaning against him. She was mumbling a song from one of the Disney movies she had watched the night before. "I've got gadgets and gizmos apwenty. I've got whozits and whatzits gawore."

Nolan chuckled, "What are you singing, princess?"

"Little Mermaid." Carter said, lifting her head to grin up at Nolan who smiled down at her.

"You can watch it when we come home, okay? But first I need to get a haircut and you need to take a nap because when we get home you're going to be cranky later."

Carter nodded, "Am sleepy."

Nolan chuckled, kissing the top of his daughter's head as he made his way towards his car.

<< o >>

Chapters are just fillers because Carter is still healing and can't really do much. Story might speed up in the next few chapters.

Hope you enjoy💛

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