your daughter is waiting for you

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Nolan laughed again at a joke he didn't get as he swallowed his beer. His best friend, Landon pulled his lips into a grim line. Hating every second after agreeing to have a night out with his friends.

Another best friend, the one who was always smiling happily, had his face buried in his hands in embarrassment, his cheeks red with anger as his younger brother told yet another joke no one understood.

Porter leaned over towards his two close friends, "Sorry, guys. I thought he was going to be less himself."

Nolan shook his head, dismissing his friend's apologies as he turned his attention to his cell phone that started to ring. Landon ignored Nolan, tugging at his brown hair as the young boy started another joke he thought was supposed to be cracking everyone up. "It's your fault we're stuck here, you better get us the fuck out of here."

Porter frowned, turning to his brother in guilt before he turned to the blonde man behind him who shook his head. Nolan held the phone to his ear as he warned Porter to keep his mouth shut. Landon sent a harsh glare towards both his friends.

Nolan smiled politely, as if the unknown caller was in front of him. "Hello?"

His fake smile seemed to falter as an urgent voice replied to his soft one, "Hello? Is this Nolan Pierce?"

Nolan's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, he didn't understand why this person would be calling his phone. Let alone how she had gotten his number. "Yes, that's me."

The person on the end sighed in relief, her voice still filled with panic, "We need you at the hospital right away, Mr. Pierce!" The person's pain-filled voice seemed to knock Nolan out of his confused state. He was worried now. His friends glanced towards each other, both standing at the odd expression across their friend's face.

"Is something wrong?" Nolan's voice was strong, no one would have guessed he was worried by his tone.

The woman whispered a soft yes, as if she's out of breath. "Just please come."

After finding out what hospital it is, Nolan hung up and looked towards Landon. "I'm wanted ..." Nolan shook his head, trying to clear his head as he spoke again, " the hospital."

Landon felt guilty that he was relieved that there was an excuse to go home, he hated that the reason was that someone close to Nolan might be in danger. "Then let's get the fuck out go here!"

Porter's brother frowned, the light immediately disappearing from his dark brown eyes as he watched Landon slip on his jacket, "You're leaving?"

Porter sighed, leaning over to pat his teenage brother on the back, "I'm sorry, bud. Nolan got a call from the hospital, it sounded serious."

The boy nodded, " me when you find out anything."

Porter nodded his head, grabbing his jacket as he followed his friends from the bar. Nolan was starting to panic as he walked up to his car, wasting no time before getting himself on the road. "What did the person say?" Porter asked in a soft voice as he took note of Nolan's tense frame.

"Nothing much."

Landon didn't mean to scowl, he knew that he owed his friend for getting them out of the sad pathetic situation but it was unnecessary to give him a scare and have him worry. "Nothing much! You made us—"

Nolan cut him off, shaking his head. His blue eyes hard on the road, "Her voice—she was so panicked. As if the person that's there is dying."

The car fell into a tense silence that had Nolan fidgeting in his seat. The silence caused his thoughts to wander out of control. He wondered if it were the twins, his younger brother or sister. He wondered if it was his bitchy mother. Or if it was his father who would be laughing at seeing him worried.

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