where's my fucking daughter?!

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C H A P T E R F I F T Y - T W O

He said it was a good idea, that this would make them rich. All they had to do was take the girl for a few hours, make a scary call to the father and request a shit loud of money but this...he didn't like this.

Jamie glanced back nervously at the unconscious girl that his brother had just knocked out before hurrying after his friend who held the girl tightly in his arms. Jamie was sure he was hurting her and he almost wanted to yank her from his grasp.

He didn't want to do this, he hated it with all his being but they needed the money. Their dad needed the money and that asshole that gave his brother the idea knew that.

"Jamie, hurry the fuck up! We need to leave before someone notices the bitch in the floor."

Jamie nodded, gulping as he followed after his brother like a lost puppy.

He spared the blonde woman one last glance before hurrying to catch up with his brother.

<< o >>

"Dude, don't worry. She ain't going to run away." Kyle teased, causing Jamie to snap his eyes away from the small girl to face his brother who held a small smirk on his face.

"I know." Jamie mumbled, running a shaky hand through his blonde hair before looking up at Kyle. "What if we get caught? Then what? She's well known, she's Nolan Pierce's fucking—"

Kyle stepped forward, kneeling in front of his brother, "We're probably going to go to hell for kidnapping a kid but we need the money. Dad needs this surgery—"

Jamie didn't give a fuck if dad needed the money, he was starting to regret listening to that idiot who'd suggested the plan. Jamie knew it was to late to save his father, the man didn't even want to be saved.

He drank most of the day even when his doctor told him not too and he'd been roughing Jamie up ever since the drinking started. But Jamie would never say anything, Kyle worshipped the ground their father walked on.

Kyle sighed, patting Jamie's head before leaving the room. Jamie placed his gaze back on the girl who'd past out ten minutes ago. Apparently screaming and crying for two whole hours made you extremely tired.

Jamie nervously tugged at his lip, this didn't feel right.

"Yo! He's here!" Jamie tensed, this was all happening because of this asshole.

Turning around in his seat, Jamie watched as the guy entered the worn out garage they were hiding in. The place was empty and smelt of gasoline and cigarettes.

He was a tall guy, dark hair and dark eyes and broad face that was covered in stubble. Jamie cringed at the sight of him.

"David, we got the kid." Smith, one of Kyle's friends cheered before turning back to the stack of cards he held in his hand. Kyle placed his stack of cards on the small tyre they sat around and walked over towards David.

Apparently this was revenge for him, getting back as his ex for cheating on him. Jamie didn't believe that story one bit.

"You just have to give us the dad's number and then we can get this over and done with and return the kid."

David nodded, handing a small page over to Kyle before turning to look towards the small girl, "I'll take care of the kid."

Jamie immediately tensed, "You're going to give her back to her dad, right?"

Kyle sent Jamie a sharp look while David scowled, "That's none of your business, boy."

Jamie's stomach dropped. His eyes zeroed in on the small page in his brother's hand.

He needed that small page.

<< o >>

After David had left, Jamie finally felt safe enough to leave the small girl's side. She had yet to wake up and Jamie wanted to be there when she did but he needed to get that cell phone number.

Leaving the girl's side, Jamie walked towards his brother who was nose deep in his stack of cards, "You got fives?" Kyle mumbled, glancing up to look at Smith who cursed. Handing out two fives towards Kyle before glaring at the stack of cards in Kyle's hand.

Jamie cleared his throat, "When are you going to call the father?"

Kyle shrugged, "I don't know, David said he needs an hour to sort out the kid."

Jamie nodded, he had an hour before all hell broke lose. Jamie's eyes darted towards the small page and leaned forward to grab it, ignoring the glances Kyle and Smith shared.

"You can't be the one to call, Jamie." Smith mumbled, causing Jamie to look up from the cell number. Jamie nodded, he knew he couldn't. He hated to admit it, but he would have rattled them out if he was the one to call.

Jamie cringed, he was about to rat them out anyway.

Glancing down at the number again, Jamie repeated the number over and over again in his head before handing it back over to Kyle. "I'm going to go out and get the girl something to eat."

Kyle nodded, telling Jamie not to get them anything because they weren't hungry. That earned him another glare from Smith. Jamie left quickly, exciting the garage and making his over towards the McDonald's that was a few streets down from the garage.

It wasn't busy and Jamie ordered a small box of nuggets for the girl, a strawberry milkshake and a side of chips. He silently hoped she ate McDonald's.

While he waited for his order to be prepared, Jamie exited the restaurant and made his way behind it. Knowing there was a pay phone that awaited him.

With a shaky hands, James lifted the phone off the hook and pushed a few coins into the machine before dialing the number he'd memorized.

His heart was going crazy in his chest, he didn't know if he could do this but he knew he had too. He was risky everything, his brother going to jail. Him going to jail.

"Hello?" The voice was raw with emotion and Jamie felt his heart clench. He knew the man was going through hell, all because of his brother and him.

"Hi, my name is Jamie—"

"Look, kid. I don't have fucking time for your bull—"

Jamis cut him off, "I'm so sorry, we didn't mean anything by it." Jamie didn't bother to hide the crack in his voice, the guilt for taking the girl was starting to eat at him.

The caller froze before speaking up, "Where's my fucking daughter?! I'll fucking kill you, how dare you take her—"

Jamie cut the guy off before sighing, "I'm going to help you get your daughter back."

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