LXI - Sixty one

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I met Duri outside, he stopped kicking random rocks and ran up to me with a smile of 'I missed you'. And he hugs me lightly before asking, "What'd they say?", "What did you tell them?" And I only sigh, I hesitate to tell him myself but when I do his eyes widen then soften. "I'm sorry I did that to you..." and I shake my head, "You're wrong. I'm happy, I'm happy that I could escape.", "What if they come and find you?", "They won't, My parents aren't that crazy." But I don't believe myself. If anyone would chase me down it'll be YoungJae and everyone else just so they could see my face.
I looked up at the sky for a moment, it was darker from when I entered the house and the wind got heavier, "Can I hold your hand?" I faintly hear to my right, I turn my face to see Duri with big pleading eyes like he really, really wanted to hold me. I let a small smile curve on my lips and nod, I grasp his hand into mine and look forward. What was going to happen after this? I'd love to live happily ever after.
In a comfortable silents I could hear our faint breathing. "Don't be nervous to speak to your dad okay?" I reassure, Duri nods and takes my hand closer to his chest, "It's been a while...", I nod, "you'll be fine, I promise...", I watch as his hand tightens around mine and a smile stretches onto my face. "I'm not sure..." he mutters, I let my free hand grip his chin gently and making him face me, "You'll be okay... and If it doesn't go right then you still have me... right?" A sudden lust to peck his lips boiled in me, I could tell he knew what I wanted cause he pulls his face away with a big blush on his cheeks. "Not now..." he says in a singsongy voice and sways our hands back and forth.


Once we finally made it to my apartment door I hesitate to knock but when I see Yugyeom safe glance I lean next to the door, I could hear nothing but silents and once I knock the door unlocks and I almost stumble in. I look back at Yugyeom for a split second and he covers his face with his shirt. "Duri?" My dad says in a fragile state, I face towards him and my mouth almost drops. He wasn't drunk and he didn't look tired. "H-hi..." I stutter and step deeper into the room, "I-it's been a while hasn't it?" I whisper as he shuts the door and stands near the kitchen, "It's been a while. I... I heard. And I couldn't get myself to be mad at you..." The mood changes from awkward to sadness. I don't want to speak but when I did I felt tears fall down my face, "I-I'm really sorry, I didn't want to- I didn't mean to let things go like this! I'm so so sorry! After everything that happened it's been so hard for me... and I didn't want to leave you because I know you hate being alone... and I'm sorry..." I bit my trembling lip and avoid eye contact, "Look at me.." Father says and I hesitate to obey but when I do I find out we're both crying.
"I know. But I can't stop you.", My heart stops, he really isn't mad at me, I couldn't believe what I was hearing and before I could analyze I lunge my arms around him and give him a tight hug, sobs getting louder and louder when he starts to say sorry. But he shouldn't be sorry... I should be the one saying sorry... I let this happen. "What are you... going to do?" My father's weak voice rang through my ears, my thoughts slipped away. "I..." I was going to tell him but I couldn't bring myself to tell him 'I'm going too leave, with the prince.'
It just wasn't right, it wasn't going to come out like that. Holding him tighter into the embrace, I tried to stop my sobbing, it only worked for a second till I was crying again. "It's okay Duri..." but it wasn't okay. Yugyeom was leaving his family- the crown! Just for me... my father is crying because of me, everything is wrong, everything isn't okay! "I-I'm sorry dad... I'm so sorry..." I didn't want this to happen, it wasn't supposed to happen at all. "It-it's my fault everything isn't okay..."
I heard my father chuckle, it was a sad chuckle. His hand held the back of my head as he hugged me just as tight, flinching as my rib still hurt. "It's not your fault Duri, non of it is. You're strong Duri, don't cry." His words weren't like the one's when he was drunk. I felt my heartthrob, why does Yugyeom and father show such love for me when I can't show the same? "Fa-father..." I whimper, trying too hold back a sob I looked up at my father, his eyes glossy made me want to cry more.
"I-I'm l-l-Leaving..." my father almost smiled, wasn't a good thing? "Is it for the better? Duri?" I gulped, was leaving really for the better? Or was it just because I'm leaving my worry behind and staying with Yugyeom for his care? "You're going to come back and visit me? You'll be better and happier?" I felt a tear roll passed my eye lid, if I'm doing this too leave my father then... I want it for the better... I don't want to think of Jeabum when I come back to see my father. I don't want to thing of what everyone calls the past. "I-" I cut myself off.
Instead of words I nodded my head, gulping down the knot in my throat that didn't seem to go down. "Promise?" I tried to smile. "I-I p-promise fa-father... I'll be with someone I actually love...", "I know Duri, I know you're doing it for the good." I nodded my head, pink dusted my cheeks. "Y-Yes...", "Don't cry anymore." I watched as my father wiped his thumbs across the apples of my cheeks.
"I love you Duri." Another tear ran down my face, "I love you too father." It was something I longed to say. Letting my hands slip off his shirt I held onto for too long, I sniffled. A small smile formed on my lips, I was going to miss my father more than ever. I watched as my father opened the front door, Yugyeom stood there waiting patiently.
I felt my heart throb more, was I really leaving? Yugyeom's eyes went down to me, his shirt drops to his collarbone and his red hair dropped onto his forehead. My father seemed shocked when I looked back at him but he still seemed grateful. Yugyeom looked over to my father, he smiled. My father gave me one last look before waving his hand, the door slowly closed and his face disappeared. I was going to miss him so much. 
"Hey, don't cry." Yugyeom's voice was comforting and soft. Why was everything getting better? Why was Yugyeom here for me? "I know you'll miss your father the most. You'll see him again I promise."
Yugyeom made me want to cry more, thinking of it, I am a crybaby. "Okay..." i held his hand tighter, I wish this would never end. "Yugyeom... I-I love you." I said as quick as possible, the red on my cheeks turned darker by the second, my eyes stayed on the ground. I heard Yugyeom 'awe'
"I love you more Duri."

There is gonna be a double update today : D
I've been so frickin busy I'm so sorry for not posting :<
Good news next chapter!!!

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