XXIX - Twenty nine

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Time flies when all you do is study. Holding books tightly as my life depended on it, I carefully walked down the street to the school that wasn't crowded at the front anymore. Leaves could be heard blowing along with the wind. My body ached and my eyes tried their best to keep open, I was tired if it wasn't obvious enough. Testing was today and I learned nothing but North Korea and South Korea splitting, I'm guessing that's just one of the many topics that were considered easy. Walking up the stone stairs my eyes traveled to each student at the front of the school whispering quietly to friends, people with their phones sharing a picture - Maybe it was a big thing. The rumor of YoungJae doing drugs was all true and it wasn't supposed to get out. After the post, all news channels decided they'll cover the topic although it was our school that had the picture, not them.
Maybe someone actually posted it, maybe that's why people who weren't in that group chat saw it. Once I got to the top of the stairs to the front of the school I sat on a bench, it was lonely and it looked like it was being begged to be sat on. I glanced at everyone one more time, they all looked so focused, some were actually studying while others spoke about the drama nonstop. I gave out a small sigh and looked at the bench in front of me, Yugyeom hasn't texted back in a day now. I sent him a message but it wasn't even read. At least that would've calmed me down. Does he think I leaked the rumor? He told me about it... is it why he's been ignoring me? Or was I only overthinking?
Grabbing the school books from my backpack I laid them on the bench, opening it to the page that was required, and I began to read again. "Yo... it's YoungJae...and Yugyeom..." I heard a male whisper to his friend, behind me. The names floated into my head slowly, like it was in slow motion. Quickly lifting my head I see as the two walk with their heads down and their hands clench into a fist, they whispered quietly to each other. I couldn't read lips but they were talking about someone.
I wasn't sure who that someone was and I hoped it wasn't me. Seeing Yugyeom approach closer made panic fill me as I looked into my book. I swore they were walking this way, hearing their footsteps and the other two males behind me scatter away like scared cats. "Don't fight him Yugyeom, it's not worth it." I hear YoungJae whisper, I bite my lip. Fight me? Tapping my foot I hear the bench creak, glancing up my see they both sat quietly, "I know he did it..." Yugyeom hums. I feel his eyes go to me, looking up I give off a smile, hoping that'll break the ice that built between us for the past day. He doesn't return it but he stares at me with forgiveness - or maybe I was seeing
"What the fuck, YoungJae, is this shit true?" A familiar voice that I haven't heard in forever says; it was Bambam's voice. "Shut up! Don't say it out loud don't you see everyone's talking shit?!" Jackson interrupts, Mark, JinYoung, and JaeBum don't say anything, they just stay silent although JaeBum didn't forget to smirk at himself. I caught it but I didn't think the others did. "Believe what you want to. I don't care." YoungJae says with regret but tension started to radiate from Yugyeom, it felt weird. It wasn't terrifying but it was a bit scary. "What's wrong with you?" JinYoung asks with a concerned face but also wasn't answered.
Suddenly the bench shakes, I flinch and get onto my feet seeing as Yugyeom also stood up, Straight and tall like he had something to prove, "What's wrong?" I asked with anxiety sugar coating my voice. He doesn't say a word and looks up and down at JB, My eyes follow his and it felt like needles. They both stabbed each other with glares, "Stalker." Yugyeom spat, it even hurt me although I wasn't the one being called that. "You're mad for no reason," JaeBum answered with a smirk, it was like everything went into one ear and out the other. "Yugyeom, sit down." YoungJae intervened. I wasn't sure how to feel, was JaeBum the one who spread the picture? It wasn't long till students started to crowd in. I felt stuck. Moving away from the crowd but still, having a good view I watched carefully.
"You think everything is so funny! Can you take one day where you're not talking shit? Where you aren't saying fucking lies!?" I never heard him yell before but when he did it made me want to get out. JB didn't say anything though, he just stood there with his fists clenched like he was angered but didn't want to hit the first punch. "Fucking rapist!" What...? My lungs stopped inhaling for a while, I wanted to say that it was enough and he should drop it but my hands started to tremble and so did my lips. "Shut up!" JaeBum finally shouted back, "At least Duri liked it, didn't he?" By now all the seniors and juniors know my name, my face, and my grade. Funny enough... it wasn't funny at
Almost everyone looked towards me. Some question if I even existed, I wish I didn't. Maybe I was crying, I wasn't really sure anymore, my heart throbbed and my legs became jello. "Shut the fuck up! You know you were just taking advantage! He didn't like any part of it!-" Punches and skin slapping each other suddenly filled my ears but I didn't see it, I didn't want to.
Pushing my way out of the crowd I could hear the five other men shout and yell for them to stop. Some other people stared at me, I wasn't sure what kind of stares but it still hurt me. I pushed myself further, running my way out of the school grounds. He just exposed me to the whole school!


Anger. That's all I felt. I knew someone was watching me for some reason and for some reason I thought it was JaeBum, I was right. He got first hit after all. We wrestled with JinYoung between us, maybe we hurt him but all I cared about was hurting JB. YoungJae and the others fought us apart as security guards came racing our way, I didn't even think of what
I said.
Now I was sitting inside the main office, hands cuffed to my back and JaeBum in another room. My head hung low as people walked around. I wasn't being asked any questions. Gripping my own hand tightly I tried to remark every detail of what we said and every punch we gave each other, just if JaeBum lies. "What the fuck happened between you two?!" Suddenly Jackson's voice rang my ears, I jolted in my seat and exhaled as soon as I saw his face, JinYoung following behind with a scowl. "Language Mr. Wang." A woman said then turning back to her computer without forgetting to give him a glare that stung like a bee's stinger. "He was stalking me that's what he was doing - when he fucking leaks the photo of YoungJae?... He's a fucking hypocrite." I state like I was stating facts but I didn't know if JB ever smoked or if he ever actually stalked me, all along I've just been feeling his eyes everywhere.
"Bro, you fu-" Jackson cuts himself off before returning to his sentence, "you called him a rapist!" Then it hit me, my heart skipped a beat. Duri was standing right there the whole time and I might've set off an alarm in his head or if anything he might've thought I was doing this all on purpose. I looked at Jackson with guilt, "What happened to him - Where is he?!" I suddenly snapped "Sit down Yugyeom." JinYoung spoke, "Who are you even talking about?", "Duri! Where is he?", "He ran off..." He answers. ran off? Not listening I stood up making the two stand in front of
"You have to apologize for starting a fight while I was in between first off all!" JinYoung shouted, I looked down at him, my heart beating fast and my stomach clenching, "but- but - Duri - he -" I didn't know what I was trying to say, an apology can wait, can it? But he only stars at me with concern and a bit of hate.
"You aren't going anywhere, You have cuffs in and you'll be questioned like the rest of us.", "Wh-why are you guys in this?!" I yelp, "I don't know! - but I'm still waiting for an apology." He states, My mind started to slow its pace and I sit down, "Sorry..." I mutter but when it hits me hard I looked at them. Feeling of lost and disapproval filled my body, "Isn't that good enough? Can I go now?" I question but they shrug, "Aren't you getting questioned? - plus as I said you're in cuffs.." it was like they didn't want me to go. I glare at them and they do it back, sitting on the nearest seats as the principal walks in, "So what happened Prince Yugyeom?" He sits in front of me as security guards stand next to him like they do when my dad's on Tv. I shook my head not wanting to answer and he nods, "He told me you provoked him first." I wanted to answer, anticipation to go run and see Duri again made my leg shake, the more I answer the sooner I'll be left out and so, I nod. "Yes Sir, I called him stalker and rapist...", "Are those true?", of course, they were! But a gut feeling in me caught my tongue and I shake my head.
"No, he isn't a stalker or rapist sir..."

To be continued.....

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