Ⅻ - Twelve

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A knocking at the door startled me, I slowly fluttered my eyes open just to see my room get filled with sunlight, I faintly smile and rubbed my eyes and didn't bother to wonder at who would be behind the door. I got onto my feet and moved my way to my door then to the small kitchen, I sigh out hearing a knock at the door again. "C-coming!" I shout, walking to the front door, gripping the doorknob I opened the door, "What's up?" I question tiredly not viewing the person in front of me till I squint my eyes a bit, I stepped back for a second, "Morning." I heard a deep, familiar voice speak, "Wha-what are you doing h-here?! H-how did y-you g-get here!?" My voice cracks as I walk back just to stumble a bit on my feet. "Kinda asked around... we did it around here anyway. and You said next time, right?" My hands grabbed the end of my sleeves as I fiddle with them in anxiousness. "That- That's was just a stupid excuse to l-leave me alone!" I yelled with tears forming from behind my eyelids. I heard the brown haired male chuckle and shrug, "I don't really care." I stood in shock, again? Really again?
It wasn't long after he grabbed my waist and closed the door shut. My voice couldn't get out of my throat. I felt nothing of my body move.
But my fear just rose even higher. His hands gripping and pushing my sides as he kisses my cheek and slowly down to my neck making my breath get shaky. People say this felt good - at least in porn, I've never been sexually aroused too, did. I felt pain rushing from the spot and down. But he wasn't over, going lower and taking my shorts, "st...stop..." but he didn't listen. Just like the first time. I started to sob again, my lungs clenching as I tried to breath. It was hard to now. It was hard to do anything now.


Looking over the classroom once more, I sighed, "Is Duri here yet?" I asked one of the students next to me, they shrugged their shoulders and said, "I have no idea. He normally comes to school even when he's sick." I sigh, if it was odd for him to not be at school then what was going on? I just felt as if something was telling me that something's going wrong. I sat back to my seat and played with my fingers, "I'm heading to the bathroom." I was mostly speaking to myself but it seemed like my classmate said an 'okay' and looked back at their phone. I got up and made my way out the door not making the teacher notice. I headed to the restroom and grabbed my phone calling his number again, hoping for an explanation or something? But the line quickly died and sent me to voice mail. I scratched my hair and clicked my tongue, calling again and again and again but nothing helped me. I sighed it's been like 10 minutes now since I was in the bathroom, still not giving up on calling him. Maybe he was asleep but nerves said otherwise. Messaging him with quick sentences of, 'Wake up, we need to talk', 'Please pick up. I want to talk to you', 'could you please pick up? I kinda want to talk to you'. but none of that helped me out.
Being left on delivered.
I let out a grunt slipping to the bathroom's floor and tapping my foot lightly, waiting for minutes on end. Something about today made me nervous. I don't understand why and my mind directed to Duri. His sweet voice and small crying eyes made my heart ache. I just couldn't stop thinking of him and I really needed my worrying to stop. But soon there was a call in return. I checked the time and I was waiting for almost half an hour. My body felt like it was about to jump, I quickly pressed the answer button just to hear silents at first, "Hey... Duri?", "U-u-Uh, c-c-c-c-come over... I live o-on xxx st-st-street, b-b-b-building t-two, ap-apartment tw-twenty-five." His voice stuttered. It wasn't normal. I didn't say a word for a while, "I felt like something happened today.... to you... You're worrying me..." I admit hearing him let out a weak chuckle that almost sounded like he was going to cry. "C-c-cool." Is all he said as he ended the call. It unsettled me. I bit my inner lip, picking myself up and walking out the bathroom looking to see
any guards.
There wasn't any so I ran to my locker and grabbed my things, I slipped on a black mask and a cap that was placed backwards. "Xxx street..." I repeated in my head. I started to run quickly through the sidewalks and across roads looking to see if any street names were similar to the ones on my phone. But not long after I found the street. I was relieved, running into the second building to my right and entering. I saw a lady sitting at the front who stared at me as if I was crazy, "Where are you going?" I quickly answered breathlessly, "Room twenty-five." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the stairs, "Go then." She said in a harsh tone, I nodded, making my way up the stairs and looking door to door. Up another pair of stairs and soon finding the number. "Duri! It's me, Yugyeom." The building was kind of dirty, this place was mostly known for it's crime. But some how it was cozy here unlike my huge house. But I couldn't continue my thoughts because of the door opening, to see a short, black haired male with a small, sad smile. I tried not to just go forwards and hug him. "Come in..." I heard him barely. I nodded, walking inside and settling my bag onto the floor. I saw as he limped his way around. "I-I felt s-s-Sick... an-and I-I n-need t-to talk to you..." I listen
and nod.
Hearing him sigh out and walk, with struggle, towards the small couch. "Sit..." he spoke, I nod, I wasn't sure what to do. He looked like he's been beat up! Not forgetting to stare at the purple mark on his neck, I question, Was it a hickey? But didn't say it out loud. I sat myself near him. "I-Uh-" he started, "T-tell Jae-bum t-to j-just st-st-Stay away from m-m-me..." His small, pretty eyes started to water. I felt sorrow build up in my gut. "Why?-", "Does-doesn't matter-", "He said he had sex with you- is the true? - I just want to know why you're scared of him..." I saw as he hugs himself and sighs, "No-no! W-we did...n't..." he sounded like he was lying. I tilt my head, "What do you mean?", "Exactly what I-it means! W-we didn't- we didn't..." it felt fake, I bit my lip. "You look warned out... Want to pick up something from the cafe? Will that make you feel better?" I saw him blush a bit making me smile a bit weakly, "I-I-I guess..." he speaks with an unsure tone but someone so beautiful shouldn't look
so sad.
He always found a way out of a subject but I just let it slide just so he doesn't get angry. Taking him by the hand I gave him a smile making him shiver and look away, "It's okay..." he lets out a grunt and gets up, "I-I- U-Uh... i-I j-just said I-I don't feel g-good.." I gave out a small 'oh' then told him to sit down again. "I could buy you something you really like."
He looked off and shrugged.

To be continued.....

Yugyeom is getting taking this a little too lightly. Listen to your gut kidz 👺

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