Ⅲ - Three

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"Mmh..." I groaned, hearing my alarm beep loudly as it could, I opened my puffy red eyes slowly seeing the sun pour through my window. I rolled my head to my small phone where the sound was coming from, I pressed the small 'stop' button and the sound stopped. I sighed and sat up on my bed, a pain riding my lower half, spacing out as I looked at the wall that seemed to reflect a pattern from the curtains, I furrowed my eyebrows and snapped out of my small trance. "Get up.." I muttered to myself, painfully kneeling onto the floor to my small drawers under my bed. I grabbed myself a uniform shirt, a black undershirt and khaki pants, I changed rapidly and ran out to my bathroom where the white sink was and my toothbrush just sitting at the edge of it. I ended up taking a shower late at night just so I wouldn't be further questioned but then the night just turned into further questioning on myself.
It bought me to tears as the events of last night flooded my mind. I caught myself staring at my reflection for a long time, Slapping my face to wake myself up I told myself softly, "Brush.." and so I did. I cleaned my teeth and rinsed my mouth out, leaving the bathroom I walked back into my room. Father was at work and I didn't have a mom so I was alone most of the time.. I guess I had an opportunity to skip school and hang out some other place but, I chose not to. I grabbed my phone which was in a good charge and grabbed my backpack, I was ready to head out with my mind clouded with thoughts. I tried my best to be sane, I didn't want to burst into tears at a public place. I skipped breakfast, food wasn't really something I wanted today. Closing the door on my way out I checked the time, 7:30, I gasped loudly, stuffing my phone into my pocket and began to speed walk out the building, late..? I have to stop thinking! I scolded myself as I opened the front, big glass, door to feel the air push my hair back. Why did the weather have to be the same as yesterday? My eyes narrowed feeling suddenly emotional but I gulped my feelings down and started to walk to school - since it was painful to run.

"Yugyeom!! Be my husband!",
"Yugyeom! We love you!",
"Young-Jae! Yugyeom! You guys are just so handsome!",
"Please notice me!", Was all I heard as I walked nearer to the school entrance, I kept my eyes on the ground and music wasn't playing through my earbuds this time but I left them in just to silents everyone out, I guess. But I couldn't shake off this tense feeling, my heart raced so much and my body just wanted to fall down, I ignored all of this, of course, and tried to act as normal as possible. "Back up! The Princes just want to go get education!" I suddenly hear a big, deep, terrifying voice yell out. It caught my attention so I looked up seeing buff men hold back men and women from touching the two smiley people at the stairs, my eyes slightly widened, they are the two princes... I forgot they were coming today.. it wasn't a really important thing that we had Kings and queens - at least not to me. I thought of it as normal, "Thank you for caring so much! But we need to get started with school here! I'm sorry people!" The youngest prince said, his hair was red and his face was just... so beautiful.. it stunned me and that never happened before.


I flinched, I tried walking forward but two strong hands grabbed me, "ah..!" I breathed out, "Stay there!", "I'm trying to get to school!", I yelled back at the security guard dressed in all black with white words on the front saying 'Security'. He was a tall buff man and he looked at me with a smug look. "Then pass.", He said coldly. Sprinting my way passed the two seeing as Yugyeom's smile turned into a small pout, My heart almost dropped but I didn't say anything. Running my way towards the two tall doors letting myself in seeing people greet each other and others walking silently, I sighed, my breathing is getting shaky again... I shook my head, shaking off my obvious remarks I continued to walk, "Wah! No! I'm not gonna fuck her! She sucked everyone in this school!" I heard a voice shout through the loud halls. Me, being curious I looked towards where the voice was heard seeing JB and his gang, my eyes widened automatically... everything, his moaning, his words, his body everything came back to me, feeling terrified. I was about to turn around before we both made eye contact, seeing his brown narrow eyes stab into mine, he smirked, "I'd fuck Duri, He has a nice ass no homo-", "You have to be kidding me, dude! You're gay! No homo or whatever! Get out here!" JinYoung slapped his friend's shoulder laughing, "Gay or not I want ass, I get ass," the brown-haired devil smirked licking his lips, staring straight at me. I froze in my place, being pushed and shoved by people who walked the hallways yet I didn't move one bit.
"Don't touch me! Bro you're weird!" They continued to joke, I turned my back towards them with a scared expression playing across my face. I ran to my first period shaking and a feeling in my stomach, I felt like I needed to vomit. Sitting in my seat I felt sweat fall down my face and a cold sweat surround my body, get over it. I told myself but it wasn't easy. "Students!" A loud roaring voice yelled, I flinched out of my deep thoughts an educator - walked in while girls tensed up with red cheeks and - walked in while girls tensed up with red cheeks and opened mouths. I didn't quite understand why but I caught a glance of the six-foot, or taller, male and realized it was the same smiley guy from before, "Yugyeom! Oh my god!" This one girl squealed into my ear since she sat behind me, "Hello! I'm your new classmate! Please take good care of me! I'll like to be friends!~" his voice was kind of childish and joyful - he was just like a kid. "Oh! And please don't treat me like royalty! I want to be a normal student here!" He made his way to a desk at the third row where I sat. My eyes followed his every moment seeing him take the empty seat beside me, and the girl behind me started to freak out under her breath.
"Oh my god..!"
I caught him chuckling and grinning happily, maybe I started to space out into his eyes... they were just so deep, his eyes were dark brown and it complimented his hair. It was like everything went away when I stared at him. Then we made eye contact, my eyes widened, "Sorry..", I said suddenly looking down at my desk where there was nothing, I just made a fool out of myself! "It's okay!" I could hear him smile. I kept my answer short, "Right..." I picked my head up thinking our conversation ended till he spoke again, "Are you okay?" I jerked my body a little, that was an odd question. I didn't say anything at first but he waited till I responded, it was getting quiet between us and girls started to came and go. "Nothing is bothering me, so I guess so.." I looked up at him seeing him nod, "Sorry for asking, You were just shaking so I got kinda worried," he even talked like a kid, I smiled a bit, "It's okay." For some reason it just made me feel relaxed. "Oh! Do you know where... Social Studies is?", "Yeah, " I said quietly, sure I never really talked to people but he made me feel safe. "Awesome~" he sang and that's where
my conversation ended.

To be continued....

I know it's boring right now. It gets REAL soon ;)

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