XLVI - Forty six

59 4 5

You should hear this song while reading this chapter ^^, shit got me in my bag


My heart stopped, I could feel his hand roam onto my shoulder, "Why with him?" His voice sounded different... His voice lathered in sadness. I didn't move and my breath was lost into thin air, "I thought having sex with you would make us something, but you... Rejected me." I didn't know what he hinted at, I really didn't want to listen to him. Cold sweat drowning my pours, "I don't want to go to jail for something I didn't do. Think about it... I only did it for... us." What is he saying? What is he saying? What is he saying? I repeated in my head, I couldn't avoid my tears from falling. It was all occurring too quickly. "I thought maybe you would choose me since... I did better right? I did much better than him." I couldn't tell if he was being lustful or heartbroken. I felt discomfort, hurt.
"I love you... that's why I did it..." My stomach did flips, I felt my head get dizzy and his hands wrapped around my abdomen, "I... didn't want you to leave so I thought perhaps I should claim you first...", "So... can I? Can I just do it one more time? You obviously didn't get the big picture." His voice suddenly turned ill, I try to turn my head but it barely changed positions, "No one will know if you don't tell..." he was the old JaeBum again. The one I was terrified of but I don't stop him this time, I don't move anymore. But he doesn't go any further than holding me in place and unbuckling his jeans, feeling one of his hands detaching themselves off my waist and inside his pants.
We were outside but it didn't seem to phase him one bit. His hand slipping to my private area, stroking me although I couldn't feel anything. His lips pressed onto my ear from time to time. It felt like shit, like pain, like the world was nothing but flames. "Shit..." he pants and the words echo through the walls in my head. "I'm coming, Duri..." he breaths, I don't react though, "f-fuck..."

What was I thinking? Nothing. What could've I done? Everything. But I didn't do anything. Walking at a slow pace it I realized how hard it was to breathe, it was like I stopped living for a good five minutes. I could remember him changing back to normal after climaxing. He told me he loved me again and I didn't understand how. What did he really mean? Was it just bullshit again? But I couldn't really say anything. No... I should've said something! Scream! Cry! Beg! But nothing... Minutes later I made it to the mansion.
Fifteen miss calls from Yugyeom and there he was at the front gate of his castle. When he looks at me he smiles worriedly like he knew what happened but of course he didn't. "Come in..." he whispers opening the gate and I slipped inside. I don't speak though, I keep my head low. Realizing his hand slipped onto my shoulder I push him off, he looks at me. "What happened?" I don't speak again. "Duri?" I started to block him out as soon as he started to call out my name. I couldn't really concentrate anyway, not in this state of mind. Then suddenly Yugyeom grabbed my hand, I flinch and look up at him, "Duri?" He calls out with a whisper again, "Wh-What happened?" He questions again, this time I react. I pull my hand away and I gulp down a lump at my throat.
He looks at me, I hated that look. "Was it him?" I felt like he could read my mind and I nod. I nod and his face turns cold, not the mean cold but the scared cold. His hands grasp my body and pull me closer, "What did he do?!" He whisper-yells, "Please don't tell me he touched you!" He started to panic but I keep my mouth shut. "I don't want to go to jail for something I didn't do. Think about it... I only did it for... us." I chew on my lip, "He just walked past me..." Yugyeom stops his movement and looks at me with disbelief, "That isn't true because if he just walked past us you wouldn't have remembered!" His words slipped out like this happened before.
I look down at him in confusion, he sighs, "At the ice cream shop... you saw JaeBum and he talked to me..." he stops for a moment, "But when you woke up from your episode you didn't remember a single thing...", "I..." I didn't have words to defend myself. He was right, I didn't remember a single thing. My heart attacked me again, "He touched me..." I point but I don't look, I look away and I could feel Yugyeom's eyes go down my whole body. I don't know his facial expression, I didn't want to know, I really didn't. "I'm so sorry Duri..." I hear him whisper, my eyes still wandered somewhere else as he pulled me into another hug, "Why you out of all people?" I hear him whisper, my body shudders and I start to melt into his warm body, I could question the same thing, why me? But sadly the answer never came.
"Let's go inside, okay?" His voice was weak like everything hurt him, and maybe it did. Once he opened the window to his bedroom he helped me climb in although it was easy. I was shaky but it didn't mean I was going to fall. Once we entered the room I fell onto the bed, it felt good. I turned my face onto the covers and started to let out my mixed feelings. Was JaeBum just not okay? Did he really just like me after all? I couldn't really think straight. I felt Yugyeom's hand lay on my back, "Shh... it's okay..." he hums, his hand caressing my back gently as my cries became louder and louder.
"Dance with me..." His voice got high pitched and it filled my ears, "and I'll sing to you, a symphony..." his breath touched my ear like a cloud, it made me feel even warmer, "Oh, Won't you kiss me..? Shut me up, please..." a hiccup erupted out of my lips, the voice was fragile and it didn't pause, it kept going till my heart rate slowed down, "Dance with me and I'll sing to you, a symphony, oh, Won't you kiss me? Shut me up, please..."

To be continued...

Sorry, I didn't update Friday, I was so high and forgot I had a cute ass book to update :, )
I promise it won't happen againnn.

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