LV - Fifty five

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I sat patiently on my bed, I wasn't awaiting Yugyeom since he has his mother to split us up. I wasn't thinking he'd rush his way here since I had nothing to offer him. But once I thought "it wasn't worth waiting", "he isn't going to come", "Maybe I should just sleep already," I couldn't sleep. A nervous feeling running down my spine as I lay down on the uncomfortable bed. Cold sweat running down my forehead as I hide my bloody hand under the blanket so no one will see.
Then a sudden boom! rang through my ears, I jump, groaning loudly at the pain at my chest, and look to the door. Yugyeom. He looked like he just woke up and hit his head repeatedly, "What..." I try to speak but my voice squeaks and I start again, "What the fuck happened?!" I shout, "Nothing." Is all he says, "They told me you're HIV negative and that they took pictures of you... I thought I had to come to see you." I bite my lip, "Don't change the subject." I growl, his eyes widening and he bites his cut-up lip, "Nothing happened, okay?", "Y-You hypocrite!" I shout, not lifting my hands as I glare at him, it was hard. It was hard to even stare at him with that look. Bruises on his face, his hair ruffled and tangled, cuts on his bottom lip and on his hands. He was lying to me. I felt my body tremble.
"D-Duri, let me explain first!" He puts his hands up in defeat, I don't detach my angered glare from him, I stare at him as he looks down at the floor. "I... fought... and I'm sorry." Sorry? For fighting? "Why-", I take a breath, "Why'd you fight him?!" I should be on his side, and I am but it wasn't right, it didn't sit right in my stomach. So I cried, I let out a painful whimper, I clenched my hands into a fist with a painful sting running up my palm, I try not to react but I do; I flinch. "You didn't have to lie...", "But I didn't want you to get mad..." his voice lowers to a whisper, "I didn't want you to cry either...", his footsteps getting closer, his hand touching my shoulder then slowly going down to attempt to touch my hand. "I'm sorry... really.." he whispers close to my ear. I felt uncomfortable. My bleeding hand trembling as Yugyeom's bigger hand got closer.
I was lying also. Once he touches wrist I flinch, I look up at him and he looks back at me, "What's wrong?" He asks I don't want to lie... I gulp a lump in my throat and pulled my hand out of the blanket, "I...", I felt his eyes get soft, his hand retreats for only a moment then he grabs my hand and pulls it closer without hurting me, "What happened?!" He asked also surprised, "I..." I began again but not another word slipped out of my mouth, "Did they do this to you?!" He shouts hurting my ears, I shake my head and his eyes widen even more. "Why would do this to yourself..?", "I..." My I's were getting weaker. My throat hurt and I let out a sob, "I couldn't stop." I reply, my answer clear and true. I couldn't. "What- What do you mean?" He stutters, tears again filling my eyes making them glossy and hard to look. "I... felt... stuck again and... and I wanted to- I wanted to feel it again... I tried! I really did! I tried to stop but I couldn't..."
"It's okay..." He looks down at me with a small smile. It hurt. It hurt a lot. His arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me into a hug. I was happy, he didn't call me a liar... so why did I? I couldn't think, his warmth covering my whole body as he said nothing. "I... I love you, Yugyeom..." I sniffle, I felt his heart suddenly pound on my ear, "I love you too, Duri." He says, his voice clear and not muffled like mine. He meant it and I did too.
We stayed like this for a while, till his feet got tired and the doctor came in.

Five days later, I've gotten out of the hospital, Yugyeom was treating me for a date. My father had no clue to where I was and I didn't feel like telling him any time soon. He was drunk almost every day now. I walked on the sidewalk of the street walk to head to school, it was silent and it hurt to walk fast. Yugyeom got me one of those cheap phones for now and I couldn't really use it much since it had limited text messages and calling hours. I walked in with silents till nothing but mutters filled the front of the school. They didn't bother looking at me though, I was glad.
"Duri!" Yugyeom's panicked voice made my eyes look up, "What is it?" I whisper, his hands fiddling with each other, "I was worried you wouldn't come..." he mutters looking down at our feet. I look around us, now all eyes were on us. I bite my lip, "I-it's okay... um, can we go inside? Everyone is... staring..." I felt a bit paranoid, their eyes looking at us up and down and followed by low comments of, "Yugyeom's probably gay.", "I think I heard JaeBum and the Prince fought.", "He and his family are going to get taken out of the government." I felt worried, So I stepped away from him.
"Yeah..." he responds, his head raising and a washable smile appeared on his face. We both walked in silents till we entered the school, with security guard stepping to his side as they practiced it every morning, "Nervous?", I nod my head but stop midway, I stare up at him in confusion, "People can say a lot of things... doesn't matter how hurtful they could be. But it's whatever. It doesn't matter. I just have to wait till it dies down...", I bit my lip, "But this is about you- you're the prince of a royal family..!" I whisper yell as we began to walk, the men at his side standing close but didn't interrupt our conversation. "Yeah, I know...", "Did they say no? To the... to the report..?" I question, his breath hitches and he avoids eye contact with me. I look at his fists that were clenched, I already knew the answer and I didn't feel relieved at all, I thought if they said no the anxiety of confronting JaeBum was going to disappear but no, it got worse.


After visiting Duri, crying and speaking to each other, I left. I went home. My palms sweaty and I could remember every aspect of the night perfectly.
With the gate opening, I ran inside, my hands grasping the doorknob and pulling it open. I was ready to walk off on my parents. I didn't want them to question me. But before I could speed walk to my room my name was suddenly called out, I flinch. My dad's footsteps getting closer as I pull my sleeve on my hand and covered my face, I turned to look at him, "Your mother and I... have disagreed.", disagree? I question myself. I looked at him with wide eyes, I knew this was coming but in reality, I thought for a moment they had hearts. I lied to myself until I fell off the edge. "Y-You... you what?" I had to hear it again, to convince myself I wasn't hearing things, "You can't go on because we aren't going to let you." I felt my body tremble, "But that boy!- he... he... can't live on like this!", "But son. It's our choice. Not yours" my mother walked in, her hands on her hips and dark red lipstick on her lips, "But can't you see he's been through shit?!", I cuss, I don't feel a slap to my cheek though, they stare me down in disappointment, "We have too.", "This is bullshit... What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
But then I didn't speak to them, I skipped food and I skipped school, I stayed every day with Duri and didn't tell him a word. It wasn't the end of the world if I told him later though. I thought I'd cool off but no, anger stabbed every inch of my body. I look down at Duri who looked stressed, his hair on his face and his skin paler than before. We told teachers that his absences were excused by me. I was going to protect him even though I didn't have the power I wanted to have.
I didn't want to lose him. No, I'm not going to lose him.

To be continued...

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