XXXVII - Thrity seven

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"Uff! I'm sweating!" Yugyeom pants fanning his shirt, I uncomfortably sit on his soft bed and watched as he dug into his drawer. My eyes wandered around the room, it wasn't as bright as the main hall or stairs to the second floor, it felt like home and it was properly the size of my whole apartment, which is pretty big for a room. I hear him giggle when he tosses another white shirt near me, I look up at him in confusion, "Aren't you going to change somewhere else?" I ask him but he just looks back at me with a clueless look, "Why? We're boyfriends so what's the point of going to a different room?" I felt my cheeks get hot, my eyes widened and I look away, "Okay,"
I watched uncomfortably as Yugyeom took off his shirt to a fresh one, my eyes scanning his skin, it felt weird to look at someone with no shirt on. Once he rips off his shirt all the way I see a green text on his side, I carefully read it but it was hard to pronounce- at least in my head. Without thinking I reached over to poke at the lettering on his body, he flinched and looked at me with a confused look, "Wh-whats up? You scared me!" He giggles, "Oh-" I take away my hand from his body and blush a darker red, "I wanted to know if they were real..." I mutter but he heard me anyway, he chuckles and looks at his side, "It says I'm not like that." His accent heavy but it didn't sound bad, I nod, "..what does that mean?" I question in hesitation, he smiled, "It could mean a lot of things! But I chose, I'm not going to act like other people. I think it means a lot...", "Cool..." I bite my lip, "I never knew you had a tattoo...", "Well I actually have two.", "Really?" He turns around and shows me his other side, "A flower." He winks, "It hurt a lot!" He complains and finally placed his shirt on.
"That's actually really cool..." he laughs and sits on the bed next to me, "I got it when YoungJae got his. I think he has a more interesting one though."
he places a finger onto his chin, "Hmm..." he hums, I tilt my head, "What's wrong?", "I'm thinking of where I put the first aid kit." He says in a soft tone when I realize why he needed it I jolt from the bed and stand in front of him, "N-no! There is no need, I'm fine!" I wave my hands in the air to try and dismiss his thinking but he shakes his head, "No, you got hurt badly! I want to help it heal." I shake my head and he let out a sigh, "C'mon, just let me help you... At least once?" He pouts, I felt my heart fall onto the floor, "U-uh.." I stutter, I watch as he stands up making me look up and down till he stands fully straight, he was tall, he lets his lips curve into a smile and he grabs my hands, "Just sit down here," he smiles turning me to the bed and softly pushing my shoulders down so I sat down again. I shake my head and try to stand up again, "I'm fine, seriously." But he also shakes his hand and pushes me down, "Stay rightttt herreeee~" He slurs out his words with a smile.
Before I can protest again a loud bang at the door that startled both of us, we both looked at the door and back at each other, "Who's shoes are these, Yugyeom?!" A woman's voice loud and clear, she sounded greedy and never guilty, she sounded like the devil. "Shit..." I hear him mutter. He doesn't respond to his mother and looks at me with wide eyes, "Just stay here I'll talk to her as you get out from my window-", "I-I'll get caught!-", "Lower your voice, Duri, trust me you'll be fine-", "Yugyeom! Where are you damn it!?" His mother interrupted us, we both panicked for a second. He reaches to grab my hand, moving his feet onto mine, he gasps as I groan out in pain. It happened so fast that I don't even know how he was able to stumble on top of me, his face close to mine.
His face looks sweaty and panicked but every time I looked I saw something different, his face turned smaller, his eyes more narrow, his hair brownish, it was JaeBum's face all over again, his hands locked onto my wrist. My eyes widened and I tear up, I struggle to pull my hand away, "calm down, Duri!" He whisper yells as I let out weak grunts and whimpers, "g-get off me!" I also whisper pulling on my arm and pushing his face with my free hand but he grabs my other wrist making me gasp out in pain. "Get off..!" I whine pulling on both my arms, "It's just me... Duri calm down!"
I ignored him, I didn't know what I was seeing was true or false but it started to stare me down. I shivered and pulled my arm away again but it didn't help me it made the pain worse. I closed my eyes tightly, kicking my feet in somewhat defense, and opened them again to see Yugyeom's wide eyes, "Duri..." he mutters, his lips barely parted and he stares into my eyes, "Your... Your arm." He stutters, my breath hitches and his grip gets loose, "I-" I could help but let out a quiet sob, "You-", A loud creak at the door made me jump, I looked at the door with a shocked look. It was a lady, the Queen, with a scowl, her presence startled me and I shivered, "What the hell is going on?!" She shouts, I flinch and look back at Yugyeom who started to let go of me and stand up straight, "A friend...-" the clicks of her heels filled the room and when she gets close enough she slaps Yugyeom across the face, he doesn't say a word though.
"Friends?! That doesn't look like friends to me!" She growls, her red nails combing her hair as she grits her teeth, "Are you insane?! You're having gay sex in my house?!", Sex? I couldn't think of anything else, I was lost in a small trance. "We weren't! I tripped and-", "Shut up you think I'm stupid! How could you be such a disgrace to this family?! Huh?!" Her words kept going on as if she prepared for this for a long, long time.
I looked at my lap, how could I make everything fall apart so easily?! If only I didn't react like I did he wouldn't be in this situation. I felt warm tears caress down my face and off my chin, maybe I heard Yugyeom's light sobs but I wasn't sure, "So?!" She question's in her still hostile voice, "What the hell is going on?!"
I didn't know what she would do if we don't tell her but before Yugyeom could've opened his mouth I spoke, "I asked him if I could come over, I'm sorry." I sigh but before I could realize she came near me she slapped me hard. My eyes became watery again and I let out a loud sob making Yugyeom flinch and his mother to let out a groan, "That's obviously not true!" She shouts I could see Yugyeom look down at me like I was a stray dog, it made me feel pathetic.
"Don't touch him like that!" Yugyeom shouts placing his hand onto his mom's shoulder, I could see his face this time, filled with tears and red cheeks, "Get him out of the house now! And don't even think about coming back home for tonight! If you like him so much stay at his poor house! Probably the size of our shed!" She insults. He doesn't say anything in return and waits until she leaves, "W-why?" He questions as soon as we can't hear her heels. I don't say anything at first, "Weren't you going to tell me everything?" He grasps my hands and I pull them away, grabbing at my shirt I look down with water eyes again, "Weren't you going to trust me?"

To be continued...

Weren't you?

Nowhere जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें