Chapter 5 - "Stockholm Syndrome"

Start from the beginning

Mother: "Busisiwe, who was that man? Where did you meet him?" She interrogated. I honestly had forgotten that she was in the room.
Me: "It doesn't matter mother." I said heading towards my room. She followed me of course. I groaned softly.
Mother: "Don't say it doesn't matter because it does, and don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." I rolled my eyes..."so you had sex with that man? When and where did you meet him? I didn't even know you had a man." I breathed. Lord please give me strength.
Me: "I didn't have..." I trailed off blushing. Don't judge me okay, but I couldn't think or say the word sex without blushing..."I didn't with him."
Mother: "Don't lie to me. I wasn't born yesterday Busisiwe. I've been around for a long time. Are you telling me you were with that man the whole night but he didn't want your cookie." Oh my gosh! 'Cookie'?! Who says that? I blushed even more.
Me: "Yes mother, he didn't want my cookie." She studied me for a while not believing me. Then she laughed. I was so confused. Why was she laughing now? She clapped her hands.
Mother: "Listen here my child. If you want a man like that to want your cookie, you must first lose weight. Men want women who are sexy." I flinched. That really hit a nerve, because even if I wouldn't have slept with the giant if he had made a move, the issue here is that he didn't make the move. And that really gets to me because it means that he didn't find me to be sexy because of my weight. And there was also the fact that he called me ugly. Will I ever find someone who would love me for me and who would accept me the way I am or look. Sigh!
Me: "I need to get ready for school" I said, hoping that she would leave me alone.
Mother: "Okay I'll leave you to be, but be glad you didn't have sex with that man, he seemed dangerous." She said frowning. I remembered how scared she was of him...and that had been refreshing. But I could agree on one thing with her, the giant was dangerous. But some part of me didn't care that he was dangerous...which scared me.

It was after my last class, I was going to meet up with my friends for lunch. I was so tired...dead on my feet. Remember I didn't sleep enough, I only slept for 2 hours at the giant's apartment. I wasn't going to entertain the fact that throughout the day I had been thinking about him. Don't ask me why because I also don't know. I thought about all the weird stuff he did and said. I even missed his grunting. I was really sick people, I needed to be checked out. I came to a conclusion that I had a Stockholm Syndrome. I mean the man had held me captive and insulted me in the whole process which does constitute as abuse. Through all of that I might've formed some type of  bond with him. That's the only explanation for the feelings I had for the giant. It was because of the stupid bond. But the bond will go away eventually. Hopefully by tomorrow.

I found where my friends were sitting at the restaurant we were going to have lunch in.
Andy: "Oh my god! What happened to you? You look terrible." She said sipping her drink.
Me: "Thank you." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Fiona.
Andy: "It wasn't a compliment sweetie." I huffed.
Me: "Well I turned it into one." I said sticking my tongue out at her. She shook her head.
Andy: "Sometimes I worry about you."
Fiona: "Please don't start Andy, can't you see she's exhausted." I gave Fiona a side hug.
Me: "Thank you Fifi my friend, this is why you're my favorite." Andy rolled her eyes at me and Fiona laughed.
Fiona: "You guys never stop hey."
Me: "She started it." I pointed at Andy.
Andy: "I just said you look terrible and you do. What happened? Had a long night at work yesterday?" If only they knew what kind of night I had. But I decided I wasn't going to tell them.
Me: "Yeah. You could say that." I groaned.
Fiona: "I will never understand your mother hey, because she's the reason you work in the first place." I sighed.
Me: "She's my mother, and I also don't understand" I shrugged. I wasn't going to tell them that there was a possibility that I wouldn't be paying any rent anymore from now on, it would just raise a lot of questions. Not paying rent would make a huge difference in my life. I guess if I end up not paying rent, I have the giant to thank for that.
Andy: "I would really die shame if I had to work and study at the same time. School is already exhausting so I can imagine adding work on top of that is like. No, thank you!" I laughed.
Me: "You're just too lazy to do anything." She shrugged.
Fiona: "And too spoilt too." She added. I laughed.
Andy: "If daddy can afford it, I see no problem." She said proudly. Sometimes I wish I had a life that my friends had. They both had good parents, and also those same parents had money so they didn't have to work to survive like I did. Life was just unfair sometimes, but you had to accept the hand you were dealt with. We finally ordered, and ate.

I was on a cab going home. I was going to freshen up before my shift at the restaurant. My phone vibrated in my hand, it was a text message from an unknown number. I frowned and opened the text message. It read as follows: "This is my number woman. Use it!" Oh my gosh! I didn't even have to guess who it was from. Damn giant! I wasn't even going to entertain the flattering happening inside my tummy. I could feel the command from his text. I could even imagine that commanding voice of his. And who sends a text like that anyway? Why would I use his number? I had no reason to text or call him. The guy was really infuriating. What did he want from me?! He was so confusing. Ugh! I'm sure he exchanged numbers when he had my phone. Such a sneak! I kept on reading his text, I was even tempted to reply  but I controlled myself. I wouldn't even know what to say in the reply anyways. When was this Stockholm Syndrome shit going away anyway?

I got home and I did all the necessary things to freshen up, then I made my way towards the restaurant. Yes I was walking. It wasn't dark outside yet and there were people walking about so there wasn't a chance of the last night's repeat. No saving strangers again...lesson learnt. I arrived and the restaurant and I got busy. This place was always busy especially at night because there was also a bar section. Finally time to head home arrived. I was a zombie, I just wanted to get home and pass out. I got outside and luckily there was a cab already waiting outside. I got in, and told the driver where to take me. It was a short ride. When I tried to pay the driver he refused my money, saying that the ride was already paid in advance. I got out of the cab so confused, and he didn't want to tell me who had paid him. I mean who would pay him for me? And why? I sighed and brushed it off. At least I was home. I thanked the heavens when my mother wasn't home yet. I was taking off my clothes about to take a bath when my phone vibrated. It was a text message again from the same unknown number. My tummy did the flattering thing again. So annoying. I opened the text, and it read as follows: "I'm glad you took the cab ride home...I paid a lot of money for the guy to wait outside the restaurant for you. Always take a cab or Uber woman or else there will be trouble. I told you to use my number, why haven't you?" This guy is crazy...........

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