~The Eighteenth Book of Randomness~

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When one eats a pickle, they are very sad and they end up eating another pickle. Thus is the way of life. More specifically, thus is the way of life in the eyes of an Enderman. Depressing, is it not? That's why the WDLE (We Do Like Endermen) campaign has decided to do absolutely nothing!

Time to introduce you to one of the worst people in the history of the world. His name is Cabbage.

Cabbage : Hello! I am Cabbage, and I am seafood.

Doorknob : Hello. I am Doorknob, and I kinda came into this chapter without permission from potatosauceinatree. Hello anyways. 

Me : You can't be here... But I don't care. The more characters, the merrier! And also the more confusing.

Cranberry Juice : Say what? The more characters, the merrier? Well, I'm here to make everything more merry. Say hello to the best addition to this chapter!

Penguin : Not him again! Quick, get him outta here, Doorknob!

Doorknob : I don't know how to get him out of here! Ask Cabbage!

Cabbage : Please, not-so-gentle-men, calm down. I don't think it's possible to kick someone out of the chapter. 

Cranberry Juice : Smack smack smack smack. Shut up, I'm awesome. You can't stop my superior awesomeness!

Me : Umm... Sure. So, back to the main point. Cabbage encountered a massive problem while exploring the sewers today. Care to share your story, Cabbage?

Penguin : Oh, he told me what happened! It goes a little like-

Cranberry Juice : I'm so awesome.

Cabbage : Oh, be quiet. Since I'm going to be interrupted again anyways, let's save this story for another day. 



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