~The Sixth Book of Randomness~

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Where's the Fifth Book of Randomness? Why'd I skip it? The answer is simple and completely logical. But here's the thing - I'm not telling you why. So eat a lemon, climb a tree and stay. Pretend you're a dog and just STAY. 

Garlic. People say it can help keep vampires away(no idea where I learned that). These. Are. Lies. The truth is, garlic can be used to stop the Grinch from stealing your chicken. So hide your children. Hide your chicken. Show off your garlic. The Grinch is on his way to steal your chicken.

One day, just one day, a jelly bean will come out of a cave. This cave will be made of water. Not just any water, but sheep water. It is a real thing, yes. Sheep water is made by people who fart next to sheep. The sheep then falls in water. Hooray!

~This book... It is just plain strange.~

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