~The Sextillionth Book of Randomness~

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We have a variety of topics to discuss today, class. Allow me to sum them up for you before we do not begin.

1) We will be discussing some puzzling things that I have noticed and/or begun to ponder during my one-month break which I did not intend to take but took anyways. For now, I shall leave you with this. Do giraffes drink orange juice? And, if they do, do they actually like it??

2) Will Mr William eat the potato sitting on a tree whilst turning himself into sauce? Why is his name William? Couldn't it be Blehljahsdljshaljfhadljnasumbrella or something? I mean, I don't even know what 'William' means. For all we know, it could mean poop nugget butt juice farting cat. Okay, maybe I'm taking this a little too far... Sorry to all the Williams out there.

3) Do purple men even exist? Do purple men like to break into houses, steal Gameboys and eat chocolate? I mean, there's no way they don't like eating chocolate. EVERYONE LIKES CHOCOLATE. P-E-R-I-O-D.

4) Did the Wizard of Oz ever find his way to Kansas? Did he ever visit Dorothy and her guardians? And what about Toto? Was he named after a toilet? Toilets aren't very clean, and I guess that's why Dorothy named her dog after a toilet... Well, to be fair, toilets are awesome. I like imagining that toilets have the ability to speak! Would toilets with the ability to speak and such swallow Kaito's ice cream? Poor old Kaito... Nobody really likes his ice cream... EXCEPT LEN, WHO CONVERTED FRENCH FRIES INTO ICE CREAM! Everyone loves Francy Pants, so I guess French Fry Ice Cream was pretty darn good. Did Rin like it? God, I'm rambling.

5) How did cavemen converse with one another? How did they make the first language? Did they point at stuff and grunt? Imagine a baby pointing at an apple and grunting. Wouldn't that be funny?

I am an aspiring tomato. Please do not touch me.




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