~The Seventh Book of Randomness~

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~1990 is a year~

Microphones... Everyone loves microwaves. Don't accuse me of changing words, I'll do what I want. Now let me teach you how to use What Pat. No, not Wattpad. I literally mean What Pat. First of all, you need to make sure that you are sitting inside - not on, mind you - a 330 ml plastic bottle. Have someone wrap this bottle in sheep water while you do absolutely nothing inside the bottle. Afterward you grab any sort of object that has a What Pad sticker on it and you fly. You simply fly. It's as easy as that.

Fish and chips. Fish and chips. Fish and chips. Fish and chips. Fish and chips. Fish and chips. This. Is. LETTUCE. Corn. Yam. Three... Two... One... Eyeballs.

~FINn and Jake~

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