"The Atlasian Station"

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"But we can go find the 2nd best then. I want Blake to talk to somebody too. I know they have lots doctors that specialize in lots of shit. I'm not sending her to some faunas-hating douche. She's uncomfortable enough as it is."

"Ilia is in a coma, Yang. Medically induced, but she wont come out of this for a while. If Blake is right about what she saw, they knew about Ilia and her capabilities."

"..what?" Yang reached around behind her, searching for a chair.
She slammed herself in it, rubbing her face.

"If I got there sooner I could've prevented this....and Blake..she won't take it well either. I gotta go see her."

"If Blake has been going through things...I'd wait. You're huntresses; tough girls, tough warriors but you can't be strong forever."

"If I don't tell her as soon as I go in there, she's going to bite my head off."

"It's your choice, firecracker."


"You know as well as I do that your semblance is apart of you; apart of your aura. She had no protection, there was nothing you could have done. You didn't even know anything happened."

Crimson eyes searched the eyes of his niece as she made no more eye contact and looked at the floor instead. He had hoped to take some of the weight off of her shoulders but the lackluster flicker in her eye showed it was all for naught.

The blonde nodded and sauntered back into the quiet, dull room. She wondered whether telling Blake was a good idea at the moment.

How long does it take for someone to wake up before you notice something's wrong?

Probably not long...

She looked at Blake as she stared at her scroll, ears flat against her head.

"Sun wants to know what room we're in."

Yang scoffed.
"Sun can go suck a di-"

"They didn't do anything wrong."

Yang sat down in the chair she pulled up beside Blake's moments earlier.

"Yeah? How long did it take them to get there?"

There was no response; the only sound being the tap tap tapping of the faunas' foot.

"Exactly, there's no excuse. You told them about your concerns just like you told me."

"You really think we wouldn't have come as soon as we knew about it?"

Yang recognized his voice and didn't bother turning around.

"Maybe if you weren't so busy flirting."

"Neptune made me-"

"You're a grown man, Neptune didn't make you do anything."

Blake found herself pinching the bridge of her nose.

One of those moments where she understood how Weiss felt on daily basis.

"Could you not, please ?"

I Won't Break My Promise. (RWBY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon