Jackson starts to shoot at the car as well. Both of us sending bullets towards the driver. "Fuck it's bulletproof," Jackson yells.

"What do we do?" I ask. If we can't shoot at them.

Jace pushes Jackson away. "Alright!" Jace yells his hands held high. "I know you're here for me Angela! I surrender, I'll go with you!"

"Jace!" I yell he's not gonna just give himself up like that.

Jackson whispers something into Jaces ear and they both nod to one another. "It's alright Brooky." Jace says trotting towards the car.

Taking a few steps towards him, Jackson grabs me. "Trust me Brooklyn," Jackson says. "He'll be alright. We have a plan."

Jace talks to the driver and gets into the car not before looking over to us and smiling.

He's happy? "There is a tracking device in the earpieces," Jackson whispers into my ear.

Well that's convenient

"I told Jace this and he's expecting us to save him." The car drives towards us and the windows roll down.

There's Angela with a big smile on her face holding onto Jace like he's some prized possession. "Thank you so much for protecting Jace for me. But I got it from here..." She looks over to our destroyed van. "Also, I'm really sorry about the car." She says while rolling up the window ushering for the driver to drive off.

The car speeds past us. "Katherine!" Jackson says. "I need you to track down Jace and give us his location."

"Let us come too," Henry says.

"No, Brooklyn and I will go alone."


"Where are they going?" I hear a series of keys being pressed.

"Looks like they're going back to the club," Katherine says to us.

"We have to hurry," Jackson says. "We have no idea how long they're gonna stay there."

"Alright, but how are we gonna get there?" Jackson points to a nearby car.

"What are yo-" Jackson breaks the car window and the car alarm goes off. Jackson unlocks the door and begins to connect a series of wires. Is he hotwiring the car? Who even knows how to do that?

The car starts, "where did you learn to do that?"

Jackson speeds down the road. "It was one of the things, I learned when I was in the foster home. I used to sell cars that I stole for a while."

"How much did you make?"

"About a grand each car maybe more if it was more expensive."

"You sound like you've done a lot when you were younger."

"You have no idea," Jackson says driving back towards the club. "Katherine, do you have eyes on the club?"

"Yes, they upped the security quite a bit. Looks like they were expecting you. Are you sure you don't want Henry or Keiko to come help?"

"You all are too far away. By the time you get here. Jace and Angela will be on the next plane to the other side of the world. Just tell us where Jace is." Jackson says to Katherine.

"How many bullets do you have?" I ask.

"I have about thirty. You?"

"About the same amount," I say as I check my gun. A smile creeps onto my face. "This seems pretty familiar huh. Me and you about to go into the heat fire without any bullets."

Jackson laughs, "I guess your right. Next time we're gonna be more prepared."

"How do you know there's gonna be a next time?"

"It's us. We can survive anything." Jackson says getting out of the car and me following him.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.


I'm not that evil.

Next chapter is gonna be a whole lotta killing so be prepared.

I would really appreciate if you COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE my book. It really means a lot. I love waking up to all of your notifications.

Lastly, there's something called The Fiction Awards. I wouldn't hate if you guys decided to nominate me. I'll actually be quite flattered.

I hope you all have a super, amazing, fantastic, day, night and weekend.


The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now