Avari and Kasumi

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Avari was in trouble.

Deep shit trouble.

Her heart hammered inside her chest as she slithered away from two oncoming opponents.

There was thirty seconds left of the game and they were one goal behind.

"AVARI!" Said person's head snapped around to see her team mate frantically waving at her. "OVER HERE!"

Her brown eyes scanned around to see the opposition coming at her. This was the last chance for a goal. Her arms tensed as she threw the ball over to her team mate, whom then dribbled over to their goal, with a agile leap; the basketball slid in without even a pause.

Avari beamed at her handiwork as the shrill whistle went.

"Good game!" Her team mates cheered. It wasn't a win, but it was a draw notheless.


Avari's dark brown eyes stared back at her. The bathroom had air condition which was nice. She had changed out of her basketball uniform was now in a casual t-shirt and shorts. Her sandals slapped on the grey concert as she walked over the the basin.

Avari fumbled around with the tap and washed her hands while splashing some water on her face. She then turned towards the door.

While going out, she passed the mirror again and glanced at her reflection.

But then something made her pause, second flew by as she whirled around and stared at the mirror.

There was a hole.

A big black hole.

"The hell?" She gawked.



 Kasumi smiled as her beautiful harmony filled the air. She loved her cello. When she lived in New Zealand she had learnt cello but when she moved to Australia she had to stop. She had pleaded and pleaded and her parents finally agreed to let her start it up again.

"KASUMI, LUNCH IS READY!" her mum yelled down the stairs.

"COMING." Kasumi yells back.

She carefully packed away her little baby.

She ran up the stairs. 'What's for lunch?" she peered over the pot on the stove.

"Tomato soup." her mother replies. "Can you go get your brother and sister. There soup is going to get cold."

Kasumi good mood plummets. "Fine." she grumbles. 

"BEN! DANIELLE! LUNCH IS READY!" she screams through the house.

"COMING!!" they chorus.

 "Done." she beams at her mum who was wincing from the noise.

"I said to go and get them, not to make me deaf."

"Sorry." Kasumi smiles sheepishly.

"What's for lunch?" Ben walks in.

"Soup." Kasumi bluntly answers.

"Whay kind of soup?"

"It's just soup." 

Ben gave me a look.

"What's for lunch?" Danielle came skipping in.

"Soup." I replied.

"Cool." she beamed at me.


My harmony slowly hummed to a stop. The audience in my head began cheering. I took my bow and began to pack my cello away.

I lifted up the lid of my white cello case and was about to place my precious inside. When I saw a gaping black hole open up.


I felt myself being slowly tugged towards the gaping hole.

"No...this can't be happening." I mutter. "Why me?"

And then the darkness swallowed me up.


Ciao, minions. Alphabet and I worked together on this chapter. Yeah I know it rocked. You can start worshipping us now. ;)

OK so seriously, you guys already no what to do if you wanna tell us how much you love this book but I'm gonna say it anyways.

Vote, comment and/or fan. See you guys soooooon.

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