"Yeah, I slept like a baby."

"I bet," she says.

Jace comes back with two plates of food. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I say beginning to eat.

"Alright, everyone," Jackson says yawning. "I'm here to brief everyone on the agenda for the day. Brooklyn, you, me and Jace are going to the club to find out about Angela."

Wait, all three of us together? "Sure," I say eating my pancakes. "But why bring Jace? He's supposed to be dead."

"I know that but if what he says is true. If she really is in love with Jace then she'll tell him everything."

"Alright, then I can say something like I faked my death or whatnot. That'll be pretty cool." Jace says taking a bite out of his pancake.

"So yeah, um Katherine. I need you to be listening in. Also, I need a map of the place if anything happens. Keiko, I need you to stay with Brandon in the car. I would love the backup if anything happens."

"What about me?" Henry asks.

"Henry, you and Katherine are gonna be in a nearby building. I need you as our bird's eye view. If she's as important as we think she is. She's sure to have security with her at all times." Jackson says.

"Sure thing," Henry says.

"When do we leave?" I ask. I need to talk to Jackson, I need to figure out what's going on.

"Tonight," Jackson yawns.

"You sound tired," Brandon says.

"I am. I had a long night." Yeah, I bet. You were drunk out of your mind last night.

"Me too," Jace says. "I was up for a majority of the night." You wouldn't dare Jace.

"Oh, really what were you doing?" Katherine asks sipping her coffee while looking between me and Jace.

"Ummm... nothing really. I just found this really good show to watch."

"Oh! You were watching television? Really because last night, I was right next door and it sounded like-"

"Well, I'm going to bed." Jace says while stretching interrupting her.

"Same," I say. Jace and I get up from the table. I look over yo Jackson whose sipping his coffee not caring about the conversation at hand. "Jackson, I need to tell you something, in private."

It's time for him to tell the truth. Jackson and I walk towards the entrance of the buffet so no one can hear us.

"Yeah, can I help you with something?" Jackson says while avoiding any eye contact.

"We need to talk?"

"About what?"

"I heard what you said last night," I whisper

"Oh... oh that," Jackson starts to chuckle. "That was nothing," he assures me. "I was drunk, very drunk."

"Jackson!" I yell. "Stop... stop it. I heard everything you said." Taking his hand smiling. "I feel the same way. I think I like you too. I know I'm bitchy and I'm a demon when I wake up but I think they'res something here."

"Brooklyn... I-"

"I don't know when I started to feel this way. Maybe it was when we were on the plane. Maybe it was when we spent time together in L.A. Maybe it's so far back to when we were at the sushi shop and you took me home when I was drunk." Jackson's face tightens with my hold.

Jackson closes his eyes and takes a long breath and entangles his hands in mine. "Alright, I'll tell you everything."

"Really," I say. He's gonna tell me how he feels.

"But... not now," he says letting my hands go. "I'll tell you after tonight. I promise," he says.

"Alright." I say smiling, "after the mission you'll tell me. But I know it won't change how I feel about you." No matter what I know Jackson is for me, I don't know where these feelings stemmed from but, it just feels right.

"I'll see you tonight then." Walking towards the elevator Jace eyes me suspiciously.

"You look happy," he says. "Did loverboy finally tell you he loves you to your face."

"No, but we're gonna talk after tonight's mission."

"Alright, but Brooklyn you should know if he doesn't tell you what you want to hear. My bed will always be here for you."

"Whatever," I say smiling my mind full of what he's gonna tell me.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Next chapter is gonna be fun to write.

Mwahaha. I love being evil


Have an amazing day, night, evening and afternoon


The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now