Chapter Sixty

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Later. When Elisabeth is alone. In her room. Someone sneaks in.

Allison Parker sneaks in. Unnoticed. And she sits with Elisabeth. Who is crying.

"Why did you come here? To break my heart more?" Elisabeth asks. "No Elisabeth. I came to ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me." Allison says. But Elisabeth stands. And shouts at her. "Leave! You don't deserve any forgiveness!"

"Please Beth." Allison calls. And Elisabeth recalls. Her sister used to call her that. Before love broke them apart. Her sister called her Beth. "Please... I am the one who told Lukas the story. I wanted to come clean. Please forgive me. I am really sorry." Allison says. And she has broken into tears. She looks fragile.

"What about Chris? You kissed him." Elisabeth says. "Chris kissed me. I never wanted him. I promise to stay away from him." Allison says.

And tricked like a child. Elisabeth falls into the trap. And forgives Allison. In her heart is kindness. And the love of a sister. But Allison hides something different. Hate. And lust to be as beautiful. And perfect. As her sister.

They hug goodbye. Allison knowing that she is almost winning. And as she leaves. She turns to Elisabeth. And tells her.

"Mum doesn't know. Go to her. Tell her you are alive. I had lied to her. That you were long dead. Go tell her. That it was a mistake."

And Elisabeth tells her to wait. For she wants to leave with her sister. So she parks fast. Everything. She parks. And leaves with her sister.

To home. To Hellen's place. The teacher at school. The one who ever looked at Elisabeth from far. As if she knew her.

And it's the happiest thing in the world. At least to Elisabeth. Now Elisabeth Parker.

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