Chapter Eighteen

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And for the whole day. They don't speak.

Two of them. Side by side. Not staring at each other. Hate in the air. Someone else stares from far. His name Mr. Nelson. Their teacher.

And he wonders. How did the perfect of them all. End up with the ugliest of them all.

And at lunchtime. Even at the same table as they sit. They do not speak to each other. The perfect of them all. Lukas Scottville. Is mad at mind. And heart.

Until he finds a note. Scribbled in his locker. 'Hope you enjoy your new life.' And at the bottom. Tagged with a name.

'Allison Parker'

He now knows. That it was not the ugliest of them all. His heart cries within him. He has done wrong. To his loved one.

He wants to say sorry. As the day ends. And the sun almost sinks. In the deep horizon. Though he finds her leaving.

Despite calling her. She does not listen. For she in her right mind. Would never speak to a person. With a bitter soul.

But as she always does. She drops her diary.

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