Chapter Twelve

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He said it. And she does not believe it. That the perfect of them all. Would go this low.

And in that instant. She feels even stronger. With how he has glorified her. She has never felt this before. It's an exciting buzz. She can feel it in her veins.

"Why?" she asks him. She cannot believe him. That he said those words. She needs him to be clear. For no one else. Has before shown her this emotion. Not even her blood parents.

He is stuck between words. And mixed emotions. He has never felt this low. Even in his past years. He has lost himself. At the bare cost. Of three words.

He wishes he could walk back in time. Unsay the words.

"I don't know." he says. For sure he does not know. And she does not believe him. At that same moment. The spark weathered.

For it is true. When you give someone more than they are used to. They often fly out of their ego.

Elisabeth Simpson does not feel like the ugliest of them all. At least not anymore with him.

Yet it's not enough. She now wants to drain him more. So she says. "Prove it to me. Sit with me at the lunch table." And there he feels it. His aura drawn away from him.

And having lost himself he says. "I promise."

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