Chapter Thirty Three

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At lunchtime. Elisabeth Simpson does not sit with Lukas Scottville. She has found a different table. With John Jackson. The worst of them all.

Amber William sits alone. Lukas Scottville sits alone.

And amber William cries. For she has been left. As if she was not there. As if she did not exist. Her heart is broken. Maybe to a million pieces. Or a billion pieces uncountable.

"I wish you knew he would do this." Allison Parker says. As she sits next to Amber William. The darkest of them all. "Or were you too dark to see it?" She laughs. For this is what she loves seeing.

The breaking of hearts.

"Stop bothering her!" Someone says. Someone so undeserving. It's Lukas Scottville. Why is he here? What is he doing? Maybe he should mind his business.

"Why are you so sadistic? What does it add to you?" He asks. But Allison Parker turns to him. "Shut up! Why do you even mind? No one likes you. Your first impressions were great but it turns out you are a desperate loser!"

She walks away. The meanest of them all. Bitter at the world. For no reason. Or maybe a reason she is hiding.

And Lukas Scottville. He sits next to Amber. She cries like she has never cried before. Allison Parker has really left a mark in this girl's heart.

"Hey. I'm sorry... " He wants to calm her. For he sees that she is hurt. But she bursts out. Like a bomb. Set to explode anytime.

"I did not ask for your help!" She shouts. As she leaves him. She does not know where she goes. As long as it's far from everyone.

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