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This is the tale of a thousand heartbreaks. And it all begins here. Winnbell High School.

A school far. Far away from the rest of the world. At a countryside. One covered by the beauty of grass. With the beauty of a sprouting flower. And a sun.

A ball of fire. Beautiful in the sky. Much higher.

Where lives a village. Cannerville. At the heart of that countryside. And as goes. The old cold brick of that school. Grey and almost cracking. The rusting dusting gates. Dark. A colour of black. All painted across.

Inside. Going all through the main gates. A beautiful sight! Of what a man. In his own right mind. Would call life. Young men. All of age. Young women. Not so far at age. In grey and white. A blouse and a skirt. A shirt and a trouser.

White. Then grey.

And across all grades. All but one. The final grade. Yes! That one! One which takes. Us all. To the outside world. (Well, most of us). For most of us know. High School never took us far.

What is there? In that class? Where... well... all are turned eighteen. Some at mind. Some at flesh. Some... never make it. Though age takes after. Though trying to lie.

So there is a class. Full. With noises everywhere. I think... Oh! Yes! Just because. That old teacher. Mr. Nelson. Never makes to class. This early.

All piled up. Onto one. A single spot. For a young man. Or woman. Is often subject. To have their minds. All carried. More often. By more than one.

What is that? I guess I hear some peer pressure.

But alas! There is one! A girl at the back. The back of the class. She sits. Alone. Everyone. And I mean. Everyone. Is gone away. Away from her.

Oh! Poor! Girl!

What has done this? Caused this? That a Human. Breathing so fine. Like all the rest. Will be laid down. To sit alone. At the back of the class? Alone!

She is used to this. Elisabeth Simpson. Look at her face. She is the one. The ugliest girl in this world. The ugliest Human. To ever cross man's eye.

But wait! Who are we? To judge of her appearance?

All the days are this way. Since young. She's never had even one. Not even her blood and parents. Notice her before. No one. Even to set an eye.

But look at her. She is a strong girl. Even at heart. For the whole world. Invisible to her. She has built herself. Like a strong castle. Upon a rock. Unbreakable.

She has taken so much. To make her look. Even more ugly. But here she stands. Firm and strong. Because even when. You melt iron. It soon cools back. To what it was. The same metal it was.

But this was the day it changed. Or at least.

For there she is. Behind her locker. Her face hidden. Away from the world. What a cunning world! That man has destroyed. With his bare arms. What a shame!

Whenever she has to turn away. Even from her locker. She is shy. Of the world around. For it has taken. Way too far. Its real colours.

She locks it. And on the turn of her head. Just a single turn. Her life spins. Her life. Which was once dark. Like a tunnel with no end. Now a light at the end. (Or at least we could say that).

Upon a turn. She bumps. Not into something. But into someone. But how? How could it happen? No one! No one in their right mind. Travels close to Elisabeth Simpson. The ugliest of them all.

The bump. It's more than a bump. More because. A phone falls. Off the boy's hand. To the hard. Hard floor beneath. At the bare cost. Of a crack to the screen. But more. Even than the torso. Bumps. For two come into one. The ugliest of them all. And the newest boy in school. His name. Which now spells like Lukas Scottville.

For when the two bump. Their bodies. They accept each other. A torso for another. But even more. Something more. For the inch of their lips. Finds each other's taste. A brush. So gentle. Ever like one of a paintbrush.

Up their spine. And spikes shoot.

But why? Oh! Why? Does he. Lukas Scottville. Even stare into her eyes? No one has seen them. The two. For one never sees. The ugliest of them all. For a moment. They are held. Together in that unison.

Like their eyes. Chained onto one another.

Until when one bends. The new boy. Just to pick his phone. Never in her life. Has she. The ugliest of them all. Been looked. Through her eyes.

Into her soul.

There is a smile. One that builds on her face. Though not like a smile would be. For she has never been used. Even to smile. This is not her! She does not smile.

Yes. The ugliest of them all. That one. With no beauty. She never smiles. Just because.

Just because of you!

The Ugliest Of Them All Where stories live. Discover now