Chapter Thirty One

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She can't believe it. No one believes it.
Elisabeth Simpson has gone visible finally. Something she only dreamt of. And John Jackson lets go. He lets go of her. Still looking at her. With lust and desire.

Amber William swings to his side. She feels it. The jealousy building in her. She just wishes. She wishes. That her lover has not fallen. Fallen for this new beauty.

"What happened to you?" Amber William asks. The darkest of them all. She asks Elisabeth Simpson. And Elisabeth. The ugliest of them all. Answers.

"The impossible."

She walks away. With arrogance at play. And pride at its utmost. But ahead she meets someone. She meets Allison Parker. The meanest of them all.

They both freeze. One proud of her beauty. Another surprised. Yet dark at heart.

They stare into each other's eyes. Hate flowing through the ether. And it is at that moment. That Elisabeth Simpson. The ugliest of them all. Feels something.

Even after they walk away from each other. There are unsure faint memories.

Who is this girl? Have they met before?

And Allison Parker. Stares at her leave. Wonder drawn into her soul. How did she get so beautiful?

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