Chapter Forty Two

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On that same night. Behind the growing shadows. There is a gang.

The gang that Miles Willson leads. To a house he wants so much. The house of John Jackson.

They break in without knocking. Breaking every glass and wood. Up to the rooms. Where they meet Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. And with no mercy. The two are beaten up. Blood to blood. And their screams cut short by more hitting.

Then on his own. Miles walks to John's room. With a steel rod in his arm. And malice in his heart. And he kicks the door open. Breaking the lock within it.

"Last time I spared you. Tonight I take you to the grave." He says. As he pounces onto the half-asleep John Jackson.

And with the steel rod he hits his head. Hit after hit. Cursing. Giving all the insults he has. He has forgotten who he is. The blood falling on the bed has corrupted his mind.

And John Jackson becomes quiet as ever.

But when Miles stops. When he is sure that John cannot move. He is surrounded by police men.

He knows where he goes. But he is smiling. He is happy he did what he had to do. And when he is taken away. An officer checks the body left behind.

There is no pulse. And the body is cold.

John Jackson is gone. Without a chance to say goodbye.

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