
They'd crossed into Missouri not long after leaving the destroyed Castle Point behind them. Surprisingly, the fire truck held up until they got to the next town before it ran out of gas and they had to abandon it. Garnett pulled the cord letting the loud horn rip one more time making Bailey cover her ears but smile at his antics all the same.

"All right knock it off." Warren told him in a joking manner as she smiled at the man she loved. Bailey knew they hadn't made anything official yet but everyone could see it in the way they looked at each other. Bailey was happy for the both of them, after having everything they cared about ripped away from them in the start of the outbreak she was glad they each found someone who made them happy again, it gave her hope that even in this world good things could still happen.

"We need to scavenge as much as we can and secure a shelter before nightfall. We can worry about finding a new vehicle in the morning." Warren said as they walked down the street.

"We still have our truck." Mack said pointing to their black SUV.

"Yeah, but that's a tight fit for all of us." Garnett said with his hammer in hand in case of Z's. "It'd be nice to have a second, especially if one breaks down. That way we're not stuck walking."

"All right!" Warren called attention as she looked around at the downtown street they were on, "Cassandra, Addy and Mack take the pharmacy, Doc and 10K the grocery store, and we'll take Bailey and Murphy and hit that restaurant." She said gesturing between herself and Garnett.

"Man, I hate splitting up." Doc muttered.

"We'll cover more ground this way." Warren told him, "Then we'll meet up with you two in the store."

They all went their separate ways, each readying their weapon – except Murphy – and getting ready to fight anything that jumped out at them. Bailey used her hatchet to break open the front door of the restaurant as Warren took the lead holding out her gun. Garnett brought up the rear, probably so he could keep an eye on Murphy as they entered the building. It was one of those nicer restaurants, the kind with chandeliers and crystal glasses. There was a stand where a maître d would be waiting to escort those who'd made reservations and Bailey opened the cabinet built into the podium and found a stack of menu's along with a crystal bowl full of after dinner mints. She took the whole bowl and dumped them into her messenger bag as Warren and Garnett approached a set of double doors that must have led into the dining area. They were made of a dark wood, ornately carved and had gold trim. Garnett held up his fingers counting down from three before he and Warren kicked the doors open and held their weapons ready to fire. The ballroom was big and had several tables some set up to perfection while others looked like people had been in the middle of a nice meal when the world fell apart. There were a few zombies milling around, some dressed as waiters while others were wearing either suits or fancy dresses. They all turned their heads to the four humans who'd just barged in and charged looking for a meal. Warren and Garnett easily took them down with a few headshots while Bailey stood behind them with her hatchet ready in case either needed help.

When the handful of Z's had been mercied they quickly moved through the ballroom to the door that lead to the kitchen. They only stopped once to pull Murphy away from a table where a half full glass of wine sat and he'd stopped to down it in one gulp. Garnett pulled him along while Bailey shook her head at him making Murphy mutter, "What?"

The kitchen was empty of Z's and they all spread out looking for any food that might still be good. Bailey climbed on the counter and started looking at the shelves. Far back where no one could see was an unopened box of crackers and she reached as far as she could until she was able to knock it closer and grab it. Garnett grabbed a knife sharpener knowing a dull blade would be useless to them and that tool could help save their lives. Warren was at the door to the walk in fridge and was fiddling with the large and heavy lock on it.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ