"You're up." Mack said.

"All good?" Garnett asked with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Peaceful night." Addy said with a nod.

"Your stalker said there's a storm front coming in." Warren said leaning on the counter, the corner of Bailey's mouth rose in a smirk when she referred to Citizen Z as Addy's stalker. "How is it out there?"

Addy shrugged, "Cloudy with a chance of zombie."

"Okay you two get some rest." Garnett said and they both smiled.

"You got it." Addy replied not needing to be told twice. The more you have to loose. Bailey repeated in her head as she turned back to her notebook not really in the mood to write so instead she'd been doodling in the margins. Mack followed the red head upstairs as Garnett and Warren went outside to take watch. Bailey let the music on the radio fill her head and take her out of the apocalypse, she let all her guard down as she drifted into her imagination, she was brought out of it though when she heard 10K's boots hit the floor as he took his feet off the coffee table and put down the magazine he'd been reading. Bailey glanced up to see him move to kneel by Cassandra and try to fix the blanket that was falling off her. Try was the key word, as soon as he moved the quilt an inch Cassandra had her knife impaled in the cushion not an inch from his hand.

"The blanket. . . I was just. . ." he stuttered, "Sorry." He finally settled on as he moved back to his chair and picked up the magazine again.

"Scared of that one." Murphy muttered.

"Best not to mess." Doc said looking at his hand of cards.

"You know. . ." Murphy continued, "If we breed those two, it'll be all over for the zombies."

At Murphy's comment 10K looked over to Doc who was chuckling and Bailey slammed her notebook shut, stuffed it into her messenger bag and stormed out into the backyard where there was a small patio area partially shaded by an awning. What's wrong with you? She asked herself, you have to keep it together, nothing else matters but survival, why are you so distracted? Get it together, get it together, get it together –

"Hey, are you okay?" 10K asked from behind her and she turned around startled.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said adjusting the strap of her bag. Neither one said anything else but 10K kept looking at her like he didn't believe her, she could tell by the look in his eyes. The color of his eyes makes it look like he's always deep in thought. Probably from sniping, he's always analyzing his surroundings, but how are his eyes so perfect – GET. AWAY. FROM. HIM. The logical side of her shouted snapping her out of it. Once she realized her odd behavior she turned and headed for the garage at a quick pace, thankfully 10K didn't follow her.

Addy POV

Addy pulled her tank top on while Mack made himself comfortable under the covers in the bed. The red head was just able to catch sight of Bailey out the window as she stormed into the garage by herself, immediately a red flag raised in her mind and she turned to go after her best friend. Mack reached out and grabbed her wrist gently.

"Where are you going?" he asked playfully and she smiled down at him.

"Don't worry, I'll be back for round two." She said, "But I think Bailey needs a best friend right now."

Mack let go of her wrist and held her hand, "Have I ever told you how hot it is that you care so much?"

Her smiled widened, "You can tell me all about it when I get back Lover Boy." She said kissing his hand before letting go and leaving the room. She headed downstairs and passed 10K who was coming back inside from the patio.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now