"Don't ask." Addy said squatting down to be eye level, "Are you alright?"

Bailey gave the best shrug she could with her hands bound behind her back. "I'm fine." She said plainly, "At least they know how to stitch a gunshot wound."

"At least you don't have to dress like this." Addy said glancing down at her ridiculously short outfit again. "How'd you get that lucky?"

"Something about 'being a loose cannon.'" Bailey said with another shrug this time also flipping her head to get her hair out of her face since her braid was starting to fall apart, "But at least you can walk on your own."

"Don't worry." Addy said trying to be reassuring as she reached up and tucked a few strands of hair behind her friend's ear, "We're going to get out of here. The others aren't going to leave us behind." She said looking around hoping that Mack would pop out of nowhere and save them.

"Addy." Bailey said regaining the red head's attention, "If you get a chance to run, take it."

"Bay –" she began to protest but was cut off.

"If you can run, run. Don't let me slow you down. Get back to Mack and go."

"I'd never leave you behind Bailey."

"I know, that's why I'm asking you to. I'll be better just knowing you're okay."

Addy wanted to argue but she heard footsteps coming their way so instead she hugged her friend as best she could, reaching one hand around her back and sliding the razor she had into Bailey's hand. The girls had given it to her when she'd gone to change so she could shave her legs, Addy had thought she might be able to use it as a makeshift weapon but Bailey needed it more right now. Addy felt her grip the razor before she stepped out of the hug and turned seeing Tobias approaching her.

"Look at you." He said with a smile. "Mother will be so pleased. Supper will be ready soon." He turned back to the other two girls, "Set the table. And set a place of honor for our guest next to mother."


Murphy had just made a terrible joke about a pig as Cassandra was explaining about the people who took Addy and Bailey.

"We didn't start out as cannibals." She said and Garnett already had questions.

"Cannibals? How's that even possible? Everything's infected with the zombie virus. If you kill it and eat it you get the live virus."

"But if you eat it alive. . ." she said before taking a deep breath, "We were people just trying to survive. Tobias saved me. First from the Z's, then from the worst of humanity. He was a good man, then his wife got sick. . . she just couldn't take it anymore and he was never the same after that. . . When Black Summer came and everyone else in the world was starving he swore he would do whatever it took to keep us alive and he did." She finished starting to break down.

"I'm going back for them." Mack said grabbing his bag from the back of the truck.

"Hang on Mack." Garnett said getting in his way.

"Garnett, do not try to stop me."

"Nobody's going to try and stop you, we're all going back. We just need a plan."

"You don't understand!" Cassandra shouted, "These people are worse than Z's! They'll kill all of you!"

"She's right we need to look at the big picture." Murphy said.

"Shut up!" Nearly everyone else said at once.

"Do you know where they've taken them?" Garnett asked Cassandra and she nodded her head.

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