"Roger Lieutenant." Bailey said with a smile before she crept off.

"That's far enough gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business. Team of snipers has you covered so no sudden moves." Garnett said exiting the tree line and approaching the men. 

"Lieutenant Mark Hammond. Delta Force." The man in front answered. He was African American, probably around Garnett's age and dressed in a standard army uniform. He also had a long white scar that cut from above one eye and curved around his face like some morbid crescent. "Or at least I was when there was still a Delta Force. I'm on a mission from what's left of the government, and I need your help."

"What mission? For what government?" Garnett asked.

Hammond shook his head almost hopelessly, "Look, to be honest, I don't know if anybody that gave me the order is still alive. I do know it's imperative that I get this person to a medical lab in California, alive."

"Well, I guess I won't shoot him." Warren said coming up behind Garnett still aiming at the men in the boat. "Yet."

"Who is he?" Garnett asked gesturing to the second man, "Some kind of doctor?"

"Not exactly. His name is Murphy. And he may just be the last best chance to save humanity."           

             May 13th – Year 03 A.Z.

                     Camp Blue Sky

Bailey made her way into camp with Warren, Garnett and their two newcomers. She adjusted her dark yellow leather jacket and the dark grey tee shirt she wore underneath, she looked down at her black skinny jeans and tried to brush off some of the dried mud but knew it was most likely hopeless. As they walked she noticed many of the Camp Blue Sky residents stopped to stare at Murphy and he seemed skiddish around them. Even with the children Murphy looked ready to bolt but then his eyes would dart to Hammond as if he was remembering that the man wouldn't let him out of his sight. Bailey admired Hammond, he seemed stern and unwilling to consider anyone else's opinion but she couldn't help but admire his dedication. Odds were anyone left to give him commands was dead but he still carried on, still driven to complete his mission for the good of mankind.

"Hey." She heard Warren call softly to her, "Why don't you go find the others? You've had a long night." Warren might only be second in command but she'd made sure to get to know everyone in the camp personally, so she knew that after a long shift Bailey liked to unwind with Doc, Mack and her best friend Addy.

Bailey and Addy had been best friends since they were in diapers. They'd grown up next to each other and their families had been close. Even as they got older the two girls had been inseparable, regardless of the three year age gap. They had even gone to the same college before the world fell apart. Then everything took a turn for the worst, Addy had to put down her mother and brother the first night of the outbreak then half blinded by tears she'd run to Bailey for refuge. She'd stayed with the Hawthorne's for months fighting for their lives. She'd been there to help Bailey put down her own family when they'd turned and she'd been her shoulder to cry on as well as her rock. And Bailey had been there for Addy too, she'd even talked her friend into pursuing a relationship with a hockey player named Mack who Addy had met the first night of the outbreak. The three fought side by side, they survived side by side and they'd found Camp Blue Sky side by side. Without Addy Bailey wasn't sure she ever would have made it on her own.

She ended up finding her best friend and the others by a van where they were trading with Sketchy and Skeezy.

"I was thinking something silent. Like a club, and sharp." She overheard Addy telling Sketchy and Bailey couldn't help but smile. Addy had done well with several weapons throughout their years in the apocalypse but she'd always been jealous of Bailey's skills with her hatchet. She couldn't help but run her hand down the handle of the small axe where it rested on her right hip as she thought about all the times it had saved her life. But where Bailey succeeded with her knife and hatchet skills Addy exceled with guns. Bailey had never learned how to shoot, she knew it was handy but she also knew it was only worth it if you had enough ammo and she preferred her reliable weapons which needed no bullets just brute force.

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