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It was now mid September, as the days were becoming shorter, and days colder, even so I still wore shorts and a t-shirt when I could because you never know when you would need to shift. I was sitting outside in camp. In front of me was a pair of antlers, a nice set of 10 pointers. They were beautiful and a nice trophy, they were from our latest pack hunt which took place this morning. We had all taken part and it was Joe’s second hunt... in his entire life. The fact he had never hunted before being with us surprised me a bit, but then again he had been with Mark, who was now dead.

I picked up the antlers and took them inside the main hall before hanging them up on the wall. I stepped back and stared, I was proud of these, we all were.

Just then I heard Joe howl outside, his howl was normally just calm, this time it was dripping with fear and shock.

“What’s wrong with Joe” Chris asked as he jumped up from his seat and looked at me. He had been reading a book in here because Zoe was reorganising her clothes... again.

“I have no idea” I said trying to hide the fact I was worried.

Chris and I ran outside to find a frightened Joe run up to us.

“Guys, we need to talk” He said hurriedly with his tail low and stepping side to side, he couldn’t stop moving.

“Joe, calm down, ok” I said slowly as I crouched and put my hand on his head “Now tell me everything”

“OK...” he said taking a deep breath “I saw people, but they weren’t... normal, I don’t know, they ran too fast and they were too strong an-”

“Did you go outside the territory?” I suddenly asked 

“Yes...” Joe replied looking down at his paws

“What did I tell you about going out” I almost shouted as I stood up “You never go without asking” 

“I know but I heard something, or smelt something so I was curious”

“So you tell us so you don’t get yourself hurt, how are we supposed to find you otherwise” to be honest I was disappointed, last time he went out he hurt his paw and limped all the way back.

“Who were they” Chris asked slowly

“I thought I saw someone I knew but it can’t be” he looked down

“Who was it” Chris repeated almost angry

“...I saw Cheyenne... with others though, the other guys I didn’t know...”

“Other guys?” I asked worried

“Yes... there were a few, I think they saw me and smiled at me, I ran and they headed in the same direction.

“Shit...” I said as I turned on the spot.

“She’s here?” Chris said clenching his fists “They can’t be here” 

“Well she is” Joe replied “Be right back” he turned round and headed for his cabin.

I couldn’t believe it, Chey was here... which meant Alex most likely was a well... fuck it. We don’t need them in our lives.

“You guys having trouble?” a man called out. Chris and I both spun round to see a middle aged man, short black hair, Hazel eyes, wearing jeans, and a plain black shirt. His face was familiar but I had no idea who he was.

“Who the fuck are you” I said angrily as I stared at him

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that Tilyer” he sounded shocked yet angry

The Wolf (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now