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It had been about two weeks since our hunt and I had lost all track of time, I couldn’t be bothered with looking at the calendar. All I knew was that our first pack hunt had been two weeks ago. We hunted together about once or twice a week... so far anyways. But I hunted almost every other day, not always to actually kill but sometimes just to scout. Never always being successful but even so sometimes I managed to get myself something, even if it was just a piece of dead deer a few miles outside our territory. As far as anyone else was concerned, this was private land, and hunting was common a few miles outside the boundaries, and sometimes the hunters would leave something. I had also noticed that I was wrong with my original assumption of one Elk herd and one Mule Deer herd, there were tons, and by tons I mean well over thirty Elk, and over sixty Mule Deer (all in different herds and not always in our territory but still, a lot nonetheless).

Right now I was sitting on the roof of my cabin. I seemed to be doing it a lot lately, it seemed like the best place to just sit and think. 

I had no idea if this was something to worry about or not but recently I had been hearing talk of a big brown bear with a bad shoulder wound in the forest somewhere east. I had overheard this from an old lady doing her shopping. Apparently he also moved around a lot, because three days ago I heard a man say that he say a bear with a gunshot wound and battle scars from wolves or coyotes on his neck down south of here. Obviously that idiot was looking for me and was failing by the looks of it.

I hadn’t told anyone, they didn’t need to know, not yet anyways.

I had already begun to plan out my fight with mark and because he was a bear I didn’t have many options, I’d either need to fight him whilst in human form, which wouldn’t go well seeing as he would shift, he wouldn’t  let me live that easy, or... I could play dirty and trap him.

“You alright?” 

I twisted round to see Ashley staring at me, wondering.

“Yer, I'm fine” this seemed to be my generic response to the question. 

“You sure?” She didn’t believe me, not one bit.

“Yer I'm fine.” 

“No, you’re not, now tell me why?” She sat down next to me and held my hand.

I paused for a moment, wondering if I should tell her about Mark but... could I?  I mean honestly, could I really tell anyone about him, he was still after me and as far as I knew, we healed normally.... well, at least I thought this, because I noticed with time we healed quicker, just slightly but quicker nonetheless. 

“Mark....” I said slowly with a deep breath, couldn’t turn back now.

“Who?” Ashley looked confused

“A shifter.... more specifically a bear, he tried to kill me and Chris back in England and now he’s after me again.... only he’s getting closer with every day. Last I heard he was about 50miles south of here.” 

“Oh... well that aint good” she sounded surprised

“Yup, not good”

“When did you hear he was 50 miles south?” 

“Three days ago... when we went into town, that's the sorta talk you get in hunting shops”

“Not that bad... you think he’s closer?” She asked happily as if it was all alright.

Honestly... I didn’t know what to say, I’d been patrolling the boarder of the packs territory and I hadn’t smelt anything... not yet anyways.

“Nope... I hope not.” That was the closest I could give to the truth.

We sat in silence for a few more moments; I didn’t really know what to say anymore.

“Come on, let’s go eat.” Ashley seemed relaxed despite the odd news.

“Sure...” I said as I stood up and kissed her. To be honest I couldn’t complain, I was the one who had done the shopping... even if I never really got to choose what we ate, Ashley and Zoe saw to that.

I sat down at the dinner table in the main hall next to Chris.

“We need to talk bro” he said without looking at me

“How urgent”

“Old friends come back...” He said monotonously

“Fuck...” I knew he was talking about Mark and Joe “Ladies, would you please excuse us.” I said as I stood up without waiting for food.

“But we haven’t even started to eat.” Zoe said annoyed and slightly worried

“We’ll eat later.” I insisted

Chris stood up and followed me outside. Once we reached the campfire I stopped.

“He’s here...” Chris said


“Joe, I don’t know where Mark is but I smelt Joe this evening, I went out on patrol like you told me and I picked up his scent, carried by the wind, he’s West of here, and I don’t think he’s going in the opposite direction.”

“Damn it”

“So... what do we do?” Chris asked nervously

“We protect the pack, like we’re supposed to.”

“How?” he seemed a bit confused

“Tonight, we leave the girls here, let them hold up the place, you never know, and we go west... find Joe, and give him a warning... or his funeral if he wants it.”

“You want to KILL HIM!!!” Chris was shocked

“Nope... but he wants to kill us, and if we give him a chance he will, do you want Zoe to die?” 

“No....” he lowered his head 

“Then it’s settled, we have to go tonight and make sure he doesn’t tell Mark we’re here.”

“It won’t buy us much time thought”

“No, but enough to make sure we can defend ourselves from Mark.” I didn't know if I meant it or not.

“Yeah, but as soon as we’re home, or better still now, we call Matt, he will want to know of this and we might need him... let’s face it, we need his help.”

“Couldn’t agree more, you go phone Matt right now, and eat, I’ll go prepare my bag.”

“Sure, meet back here in 20, you need to eat to.”

“Whatever Chris.” I chuckled and jogged off to my cabin as Chris walked away to the main hall where he’d call Matt.

I hate to admit this but... I was pretty damn excited about this, I’d finally get rid of one person who was a threat to our pack, and in turn find out where the big bad bear was, leading me, one step closer to my rival.

The Wolf (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now