Jackson walks out of the cockpit and eyes the seat next to me and looks towards Keiko. Jackson walks past us without saying a word and sits next to her.

I wonder if he'll be alright. He didn't seem fine the last time we were on a plane together. I better ask him.

Getting up from my seat, I walk towards him. "Are you gonna be okay?"

Jackson's eyes widen and he quickens smiles while fastening his seatbelt. "I'll be fine." He assures me, "now go me and Keiko have a lot to talk about." He says eyeing Keiko whose silent as always.

Snickering, "Alright then." I say walking back to my seat. He's putting up a brave face.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Brandon airlines." Brandon says, "we are gonna be flying to Richmond, Virginia today. Looks like there isn't going be any turbulence today." That's good, Jackson won't be as worried during this plane ride.

"Does he always do this?" Jace asks.

Nodding my head, "Who Brandon?" Oh yeah. I guess he wants to feel like a real pilot or something."

"Please buckle your seatbelts," Brandon says over the intercom. Jace and I buckle our seatbelts simultaneously.

"So I assume you've traveled a lot," Jace says throwing the magazine to the side.

"Yeah, I've been all around the world. Korea, Australia, Finland, Canada, you name it." People all over the world has to die.

"Cool, you ever been to Italy?" He says, nodding my head.

"Yeah, maybe once or twice," I say nonchalantly as if that's not my second home.

"It's beautiful there, the food, the art are amazing. I can't wait to get back there."

"If you love it so much why were you in L.A."

"Well, my whole family is in Italy and they're a pain in the ass. They're fine if I'm just visiting but living that close to them is the worse. So one day I packed up my things and I brought my first house in L.A."

"The one I burnt down?"

"You burnt my house down?!" He yelps.

"Sorry," I mutter staring at my fingers.

"It's alright, I can always buy a new house."

"Anyways so you fled an entire country to get away from them?"

"You can say that I really wanted to get away from that lifestyle. What about your family? Got any brothers? A sister?" He says huskily. He's probably thinking of two of me... gross.

"Yeah, I have a mom and a sister, younger in fact. I think she's around your age?"

God, I haven't seen my sister in years. I wonder how her high school graduation went or if she even went to college. She always struggled in school, especially science.

Mom would call me her little scientist whenever I helped Bonnie with her homework.

"Wait? What do you mean around my age? How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-four," I say. "My birthday just recently passed actually."

"Ah, well happy belated birthday."

"Thanks," I say.

"Alright everyone we're heading off." The plane starts to quicken down the runway. I wonder how's Jackson doing. The plane starts to shake as we pick up speed and Jace grabs my hand.

"It's alright love," he says. Snatching my hand away

"I'll be fine," I say scrunching my eyebrows. The plane is finally in the air and we're leveled. "I'm going to sleep, don't wake me up til we're there."

"No problem, I prefer living," Jace says. Getting more comfortable in the seat, I close my eyes letting sleep take over me.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter... It's a little boring... sorry. The next chapter should be a lot more interesting.

Make sure you're voting. I look forward to the notifications when I wake up.

I hope you all have a super, amazing, astonishing, staggering breathtaking day, night, evening and afternoon.


The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now