"Why?" I ask looking at the picture. It's amazing if I didn't see him draw it myself I would assume he took a picture of us.

"It looks nothing like me." Jackson holds up the picture next to him and makes the same face.

"I don't see what you're seeing. It looks exactly like you."

"No it doesn't, my head isn't nearly this big."

"I thought you knew," I snicker.

"Shut up," he says smiling. "Night Brooklyn."

"Night Jackson." Entering the room Katherine is laying on the bed watching television on full volume. "Jezz Katherine, how can you even think?" I ask her turning off the tv. I think I just got a headache.

"Why didn't you tell me about Keiko's snoring," Kathrine says massaging her temple. "What's that?" Eyeing the bag, I hold it up.

"Brought some things I think we might need." Throwing the bag towards her Katherine looks through it. "Sorry, we didn't have enough for Prada or whatever people wear nowadays."

Katherine holds up the cheetah print dress and holds it to her body. "I like it..." Did I hear her right?

"Huh? You said you like it? But it's not some name brand item or anything."

"I understand that based on the Walmart logo Brooklyn." She sneers, "but I do recognize when something looks good or not. Did Jackson pick this out?"

"No, I did." Katherine stares at the dress a little longer and throws it onto the bed. Katherine pulls out my box of cookies from the bag.

She starts to munch on them, I wanted those... Katherine turns the television back on and continues watching her show from earlier.

"You're welcome," I say walking towards the couch.

"Why? I didn't say thank you." She says while watching television causing me to roll my eyes.

Eyeing the television Katherine is watching Grey's Anatomy, I love that show. It looks like an older episode that I've seen but it's still good nonetheless.

"You a fan?" she asks.

"Yeah, I've seen every episode," I say while watching the screen.

"I wouldn't mind if you watched it with me." Is she inviting me to watch with her?

"Sure," I say walking towards the bed taking a seat next to her. Katherine puts the cookies in between us.

"That a nice dress your wearing." Looking down at it, I do like it.

"Jackson picked it out."

"It looks good on you," Katherine says picking up another cookie.

"Thanks," I pick up a cookie for myself and cross my legs onto the bed.

"You two were out for a while. I know it doesn't take almost four hours for a run to Walmart. What else did you two do?"

"We just walked around L.A nothing special really." We laughed, talked, ate nothing special really. It was fun, I had fun.

"Was it like a date or something?" Katherine asks nonchalantly.

"No," I laugh. "We were bored and we decided to hang out."

"So you two just went out."

"Yeah," I say nodding my head.

"So you went out with Jackson, a young, attractive, single, arguably rich man and nothing happened." Nodding my head.

"Yeah, we just hung out."

Katherine shrugs her shoulders. Katherine looks as though she's deep in thought for a moment. "Well, that's good."

"And why is that?"

"Because take it from me sleeping with a co-worker is bad news."

"Any experience?" I jest, maybe she'll tell me about Brandon.

Katherine looks at me knowingly. "I know, you know I slept with Brandon. No need to pry about it."


"I saw you in the doorway. That was weird, by the way, you standing there."

"Sorry," I say looking down at my feet.

"It's alright I would have done the same. But you should stay away from any of the guys on the team it complicates things. I just recently realized that after the fact but oh well."

"I know, Jackson and I are sorta friends."

"Pfff, friends? I can see from a mile away that you like him. I can't quite tell if he likes you though. He's a little harder to read." So I'm not the only one who thinks that.

"I don't like him," I say defensively. Sure he's cute and all and the way he shoots a gun is swoon worthy but me like Jackson? That's absolutely hilarious.

"Sure, you don't." Katherine holds up a bucket in front of my face. "Would you be a dear and get me more ice. I ate it all."

Grabbing the bucket, "sure." I say, "I'll be right back."

Leaving the motel room, I see Jace. Why is he right outside my door?

Oh man, Oh man!!! Does Brooklyn like Jackson?

Does Jackson like Brooklyn?

Will Keiko ever stop snoring?

Are Katherine and Brooklyn becoming... dare I say cordial?

Why is Jace outside their door?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z ~

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I didn't edit because fuck it... I'll come back one day and do it.

I hope you all have a super, amazing bonerrific, day, night, evening and afternoon.

Make sure you Vote, Comment and Share!!!!!


The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now